Friday, May 17, 2024

I'd totally eat this

Via YARGB, here's a recipe for Peruvian Lomo Saltado. The french fries look odd but I bet it's delicious.


ambisinistral said...

Thanks for the linkage. I actually looked up Peruvian restaurants in my area to give it a try.

JNorth said...

Chef John's cadence when talking is a little odd but most of his recipes are great, he's the OG of food youtubers.

Old NFO said...


drjim said...

We had a nice Peruvian restaurant in Torrance, CA when I lived there. Excellent food! Nothing at all like most people would think.

BobF said...

Oh, yippee. I broke a tooth last evening and now this. But it will keep and I've GOT to try it.