Monday, December 12, 2011

That was fun

I think I've found something that's even less fun to spend your money on than buying tires.


NotClauswitz said...

Less fun but just as necessary, maybe moreso...

Midwest Chick said...

Ouch. Hopefully not as bad as what Dustin Hoffman went through. Did you find the diamonds??

Quizikle said...

January 18th.

kx59 said...

Well I hope you chomped down good and hard and set it well when they put it in. I got a full crown at age 25. Dentist told me it would last about 5 years..really!!!???
It's been in there 27 years now. when he told me to bite down to set it, boy did I ever.

SiGraybeard said...

I had one done a few weeks ago. My dentist has a little CNC mill in his office that custom carves a ceramic crown for you. Old crown out and new one in place in about 3 hours.

Then it broke 2 days later eating a tomato. Friday afternoon back to the Dentist to get a replacement, which has held up fine.

But, yeah, I can think of a ton of stuff I'd rather spend a chunk of money that big on.

ASM826 said...

My first thought was prostate biopsy.

But shopping for new tires is a lot fun that any number of things.