Monday, December 19, 2011

Her Majesty's enemies die from a lack of international brotherhood and understanding, and by strength and guile ...

... but mostly by strength and guile.  Wow.  Big, shiny brass ones.  On a RIB.

Via SippicanCottage, via Gerard.


Anonymous said...

Yep, no one can "Run Away!" like the Brits.

Borepatch said...

Well, Anon, that's sort of the point of the SBS ...

WoFat said...

The guys in the aircraft ain't bad either.

Anonymous said...

In Korea when things were going very badly and allied troops being forced back, to put spine behind US troops British troops were stationed behind them with shoot to kill orders for any US soldiers trying to retreat they did so at the behest of American command.
Now lets talk about running away.

Boat Guy said...

Actually a Zodiac F-470 - an "IB".
Gotta give a LOT of stock to the RAF Chinook pilots - and their corrosion-program (water immersion is tough on airframes, I'm given to understand) as well.