Sunday, January 26, 2025

California Secession

 Secession is the talk in California these days. Newsweek Magazine reports that California is California is collecting signatures to put the issue on the ballot. They are calling it Calexit.

I doubt it goes anywhere, but it's an interesting thought exercise. California is a huge place, certainly large enough to be a country. It has an enormous economy. It could continue to trade with the United States and has the harbors and ports to trade with the world.

My first response would be to let them go peacefully. Establish borders. Wish them the best. 

The last time some States left the U.S. sent in troops and it was devastating. The casualties accounted for 2.5% of the population. The economic effects in the South are still being felt. Why subject the country to an internal war?

Losing California's reliably Democratic Senators and Congressmen, along California's 54 votes in the Electoral College would be benefit enough. It would ensure Republican victories in the White House and Congress for decades.

And here's why it won't happen. 

There is a pipeline that draws water from the Colorado River and diverts it to California. From Parker Dam water is pumped up over four mountain ranges before it flows into California. This pipeline, built as a public works project in the 1930s provides most of the water to Southern California for agricultural and home use.

How much water? Up to 4.4 million acre-feet according to the agreements between the western States and Mexico. An acre-foot of water is 325,851 gallons. 4.4 million acre-feet is on the high side of 97 billion gallons. Most years California doesn't get all of it's allotment, the available water is apportioned by percentages. But even in drought conditions, California's share is 29% of the available water in the Colorado River.

If California seceded, how long would it be before the United States turned off the pumps?


Grey said...

If California secedes, no more water from the Colorado River, or they can pay for it at extremely increased prices.

Not all of Cali wants to secede. It's just the radical Blues along the coast. About 2/3 to 3/4 of California's land area would likely break from California and stay.

Also, there's a lot of military bases in Cali, particularly in coastal areas. There wouldn't have to be a military invasion. The military is already there. I'm guessing that secession would result in a lot of treason charges and hanging for the civilian leadership. U.S. military is paid for by the U.S. not California.

Grey said...

To be honest, California's reliable Democratic Senators and Representatives might not be as reliable in the future.

Peteforester said...

You do NOT want California to secede. A HUGE amount of California's land is arable (farmable) 365 days a year, and is among the MOST FERTILE land in the COUNTRY. California has THREE deep-water ports. California has oil, natural gas, and minerals the country NEEDS. If California seceded, its economy would COLLAPSE. Its moronic "government" would invite CHINA in to set up operations there. This would put our prime adversary RIGHT ON THE U.S. BORDER.

And remember this; California was a DEEP RED STATE back in the 70's. REAGAN was GOVERNOR. How did it swing so far to the Left? It was INVADED by LEFTIES from THE REST OF THE COUNTRY!

Move away from the coastal areas of the state, and you'll find it ASTOUNDINGLY Conservative! Indeed, these people are descendants of the tough sunzabiches who were able to survive the trek across the country back in the day. There are MILLIONS of us here. Over FIVE MILLION voted for TRUMP in November 2024. About the same number voted for him in 2020. This is more than the ENTIRE POPULATIONS of SEVERAL other states... COMBINED! And for the record, I can't find a SINGLE person who voted for Newsom!

The U.S.A. NEEDS this place! DON'T be SO QUICK to kick us to the curb!!! We need you HELP here. NOT your ridicule...

B said...

I agree about the ports, but that is about the only thing we cannot do without. And we can use the water supplies to force the ports to be free.

You California flakes keep trying to tell the rest of us that it is the fault of the imported Leftists from the rest of the country, but that is bullshit...they went where the policies welcomed them. The Radical Left was already there. They fucked up a once wonderful state with wonderful people and lots of infrastructure paid for by the US taxpayers in the 40, 50, and 60's. Colorado is moving in the same direction.

Unless, and until, you folks, there in California, get rid of the leftists then we will welcome the state's departure from the US. We can do without you easily. The reverse is not true. .
It would be better for the rest of the country if you folks left and tried it on your own. Your state won't last 15 years without the rest of the US covering your ass.

Sardaukar said...

The California coastal population (as others have mentioned above) is whining about this just like the last time Trump was President. Fine. Do it.
We allow California to secede, so a few weeks later we can then recognize it as a threat, mobilize against it, invade it, conquer it, crush it, put its leaders in Club Gitmo for the rest of their life and then restructure MOST of the state as a territory, sin suffragio en perpetua, never again to be allowed to vote or have a say in national elections, just like we do with Guam, VI & Puerto Rico. So do it Fuhrer Newscum.

Aesop said...

Put the crack pipe down.
More people in Califrutopia think Elvis is alive on a UFO than the number that want to secede.
"California" isn't collecting any such signatures.
"Three or four whackjobs with a heavy bong habit" are collecting signatures. they're probably up to a second page by now,, and will peak at maybe a few hundred malcontent jackholes, the same people who think dogs should wear underpants in public and motorcycles should have seatbelts.

Please, stop fanning the flames of retards everywhere with this kind of boob bait for the Bubbas. It has slightly less chance IRL than the Southern states do of ever forming a separate nation, or Mitch McConnell does of doing anything that isn't jackassical.

Aesop said...

And btw, for the love of sweet baby Jesus, look at a map.
Parker Dam is anchored in Califrutopia on one end, when last I looked.
That means it's pumping water in California the minute it leaves the Colorado River (which is the state's eastern border with Arizona for about 20% of its entire length) and that California thus would own 1/2 the dam from the get-go of any mythical secession, and that water is in California before it crosses any mountain ranges to anywhere.

Womp womp music optional, but indicated at this point.

The water it supplies comprises not "most" of SoCal's water, but a fraction closer to between 20% and 30%, depending on whom you're asking.,originates%20in%20the%20Northern%20Sierra.

"Most" of SoCal's water comes from - wait for it - California. Since ever.

If California seceded (right after I get a patent for my instrument landing system for flying pigs), no one, least of all rest of the U.S., would be turning anything off, and CA would likely take its full allotment of water, leaving Phoenix eating dust. The alternative would see the Parker Dam's destruction, leaving both states dryer, Arizona depopulated to Alaskan levels, and Mexico flooded by comparison when the river once again flowed all the way to the Gulf of Baja California, which it hasn't done for over a century.

This is what happens when one entertains crack-smoking fantasies best left to the special people who think Alex Jones or The View are serious journalism.

edtheham said...

Where does their power come from? Asking for a friend.

If their power plants break down, can the US legally export parts, especially nuclear plant parts from the US to a foreign country?

Can producers of fresh produce export a quality product when they have to go through Customs into the US?

Can CA build a military without the needed manufacturing facilities? They are pretty good for aerospace, but for tanks and small arms, they had better go to China and buy them. Probably a bad move.

All in all, secession is a bad move. Especially if the people in the rest of CA rise up and refuse to secede ala West Virginia, the state of Nickajack in Georgia, and Winston County in Alabama during the War Between the States.

The Lab Manager said...

Reagan, in one very stupid gesture of his tenure, signed off on amnesty. I'm sure every one of those south of the border beaners became card carrying GOP members ASAP.

DTWND said...

The US needs California. More tax revenue comes from California than is returned to it. Without California, other states would have to pick up the shortage. California supplies the US with vast amounts food, minerals, and manufactured items. The economy of California may crash in fifteen years, as you say, but the harm to the rest of the US would be felt by everyone around the country.

People should think through the repercussions of secession. Just because many in the state don't agree with your political leanings, is no reason to dismiss them entirely. It is just asinine to claim that the United States doesn't NEED California.


HMS Defiant said...

Be a little simpler to pull a commie trick on them and send in a few guerillas to take out the Pelosi extended family plus the rest of the political class and the entire san francisco arts district and county commissioners. take a page out of the soros blm book and put large vats of bubbling tar and huge piles of feathers at every intersection in SF, LA, Sacramento, Oakland, San Diego and scatter some around Mill Valley, Tiberon and Sausalito.

danielbarger said...

Much ado nothing. We all know what happened last time a state decided to go it's own way. Does anyone really believe the Fed Gov wouldn't do the exact same thing again to prevent it.

TN TIRED said...

I would be more than happy if you "Conservative Californians" would stay home and fix your issues rather than move en masse to the South, especially Tennessee. " But we not ALL like that" is starting to wear really thin. And while most of us will be polite, manners seem to be lost to those from the Left Coast, just know the silent majority of natives truly despise you.

pigpen51 said...

I think it would depend upon which party was in control of the The Dumocrats would possibly support such a move, and turn it into something that would benefit their party politically.
If the modern Republican party was in control then there possibly be a huge conflict, with companies like Raytheon, Martin Marrietta, and Halliburton supplying arms and other equipment and foodstuffs to both Confederate California and to the sort of United States of America.
Given what we have seen from just this last governmental cycle, would anything at all.really surprise anyone?
Suddenly the preppers look like they are the smart ones, and worth imitating.

ASM826 said...

I'm not fanning the flames, I'm pointing out one clear reason it's not possible. Besides, maybe thirty people will see this post. How many read Newsweek and USA Today? That's where I saw it.

Richard said...

Where do I contribute to the effort. No reason a secession has to be hostile. Or at least any more hostile than it is today.

CA industry with one exception (agriculture) is either internal to CA or malevolent. CA is in the process of strangling their agriculture so that may not be an issue much longer.

Two conditions. 1. Each county gets to vote on whether to stay or go. 2. Gitmo type perpetual lease on naval facilities in San Diego.

Aesop said...

I get it, ASM, but they're morons.
You're not.
's all I'm saying.

Aesop said...

CA seceding would turn the Dumbocrats in the other 49 into 21st century Whigs, with a similar lifespan.
If CA tried to secede, the Dems in the rest of the country would subsidize putting down the revolt, with a vengeance.

Gerry said...

"And remember this; California was a DEEP RED STATE back in the 70's" Dude, that was 50 years ago!

Peteforester said...

Say what you want... Think what you want... When China is sitting on your western border, Just remember that Pete told'jaso...

Antibubba said...

Secession is unconstitutional, and thus impossible. Anyone shouting like it could actually happen needs to ask their doctor for a Xanax prescription.

As a thought exercise, though, it's interesting. First, because there is a very real divide between rural and urban California, and it's much more extreme than in other states. In terms of area, California is a Trump state; he got 38% of the vote--over 6 million votes. That's more votes than the TOTAL population of 30 states. It's fair to assume that 2/3 or more of the state would refuse secession (although the zeal to deport Latinos might change those areas some). The State of Jefferson would suddenly come into being! The rest? Well, there's talk of petitioning Canada for admission...

Jonathan H said...

I prefer the Virginia/ West Virginia method - take over the useful and more friendly part of the state and make a new one from it.
Let them secede, then take back most of the area with only a fraction of the population and then use water access and the military to make that part a client state.

Jonathan H said...

Have you read the Calexit anthology and the additional writing it spawned?
JR Curtis (OldNFO) and Eaton Rapids Joe have written a number of stories about this, including about how California is likely to fall apart.

edtheham said...

"Secession is unconstitutional, and thus impossible. "

AntiBubba, you will have to show me where that is stated in the Constitution. I could not find it. Secession was slapped down by the force of arms.

In A. J. Langgurth's book, Union 1812, he states that at least 2 states, New Jersey and Virginia IIRC, joined the Union with the proviso that if this crazy Republic thing didn't work out, they could leave. They were accepted into the Union anyway.

I read that Jefferson Davis was never tried for treason. One writer that I read was of the opinion that he was never on trial for treason because the Feds were afraid to bring up the matter of the legality of secession in court because the court might find leaving the Union was, in fact, legal. Could be embarrassing for the Feds after killing 750,000 people to stop this secession.