Sunday, December 4, 2011

So, do Germans hate Americans?

Assuming that most of you don't have any better skillz in German than I do, what do you think this article means?
Club der Lügner, Demagogen, Ignoranten
Is it positive, neutral, or negative?  (link via Chris Lynch)

Me, I think that if Americans had the language fluency to read Der Spiegal, Le Monde, and the rest, it would be the end of the Atlantic Alliance.  Probably about time, if you ask me.

P.S. The Times of London is reliably a sewer of anti-Americanism.  I couldn't read it when we lived there 15 years ago, and it seems to be much, much worse now.  The European Elites are contemptible, not least of which because they think we're too stupid to notice.

P.P.S. It's times like this that I find myself lovingly brushing the pelt of my R0n P4uL!!!1!! wookie suit.  Let 'em sink or swim on their own.  I don't see why we should be spending $100 Billion a year to keep the Europeans from bringing on WWI version 3.0.  Let 'em nuke each other until they glow, it's not our concern.


Anonymous said...

Oh man; a man after my own heart. I keep asking people why do we spend 22 BILLION dollars in foreign aid! If we are serious about taking care of our debt...then we need to STOP SPENDING!!!!!!!!
Certainly, foreign aid is a small amount (snark) of the budget....we just have to start somewhere. Once we begin to end four funding of islamic countries and funding of countries that hate us...then the world will see that we are serious...unlike the PIIGS countries.


Rick C said...

I don't want them nuking themselves, because I don't want to put up with the fallout. (I mean, primarily, the radioactive kind.)

Bob said...

Bear in mind that Rick Perry has also called for a review of foreign aid, so it's not necessary to go the Full Paul to make a point and save some money.

Stephen said...

all I can add is, amen.

Tam said...


"Bear in mind that Rick Perry has also called for a review of foreign aid..."

Yes, but he's also "strong on defense", so what he means is cutting off the free chow to sub-Saharan Africa while still picking up the defense tab for the whiny Euros, which is the only way they can even pretend to afford all those social problems.

I'm sick and tired of hearing how backwards the US is from cretins whose free tuition and health care is subsidized by all those rows of M1 Abrams and F-15s parked in bases in Germany.

Borepatch said...

Amen, Tam.

And I'm sick of them thinking that I'm stupid because I'd never ever figure out what they say about us, because they have everything encrypted in that "Deutsch" cipher ...

Tam said...

PS: I think it's time to work out an exit strategy for WWII.

Leave the EU to face the Slavic steamroller on their own dime. Twice bitten, thrice shy.

John said...

Reads pretty negative to me -- a smear piece on our Republican party. Looks like their writers and reporters learned from the same high-caliber schools and institutions as American journalists have.

Paul, Dammit! said...

The worst part to me is that they have a great point- the best guy the Republican party can put forward is Mitt "I'm Fer what you're fer" Romney. The Republicans are squandering a wonderful opportunity to run the White House shit show out the door by throwing a bunch of clowns and one-trick ponies up on a stage. It feels to me like setting up some blank canvases for a monkey to throw his shit at, and seeing if we can sell whatever sticks.
If the article hadn't included a comments section, I'd have been content to concede some points. The commenters have no problem getting their hate on. I'd love to see us cut the EU military protection racket loose, but our own defense contractors would never stand for it.

Old NFO said...

The ONLY time they like us is when they need money... Been cussed (in German) and had people turn away from us when they found out we were Americans... Piss on em all...

MSgt B said...

I'm also on the Tam bandwagon.

I've spent a lot of time in Europe being talked down to while I was working 12 hr shifts six days a week to ensure they didn't have to spend much on defense.

Now that they're about to fold, do we step back and let the Germans come out on top? (Rest assured, they will when the Euro collapses)

Anonymous said...

I wish to remind my American cousins that if you think you alone have been defending Germany I might wish to point out that the Northern Sector was and is controlled by the UK. However it has been decided to leave Germany in the coming decades I suggest you do likewise.
As for anti Americanism that is down to a left wing media drip feeding hate for decades, the media in the USA with a few exceptions is also anti American and is drip feeding self hatred and has for decades.

Anonymous said...

The reason is the Uk controls the Northern sector is that Hanover was until 1866 part of the united Kingdom. Something about having krauts for our monarchs.

Borepatch said...

knottedprop, I must admit that I have yet to send my congratulations on the event of the nuptials of the heir to the House of Battenburg.


Anonymous said...

Borepatch well it seems my initial comment as lost to the ether oh well your blog or the gremlins ate it, no matter this is your kingdom and you are the boss.
Yes our current monarchy are a tad Germanic but we have Prince Phillip a man endowed with oodles of sarcasm and an entirely un PC view of the world and both he and the missus were in the military during WW2. He is even worshiped as a god on some Pacific islands.
What happened to his son I don't know.
As an expat living in the states I have grown fond of my American cousins. Last time I was home I had to deal with some idiot complaining about the first Iraq war, for some reason it was my fault and I grow up with the guy.

Borepatch said...

No offence (proper Queen's English, and all) to the UK's form of government. And while the current Good Queen Bess may be the lesser, those would be large boots to fill. And she has been a good queen.

But I remember when we lived near Lightwater, and going out for a pint with the blokes from the office. This was back when Dianna was still alive, and there was clearly a lot of frustration at HRH Charles. The conversation was around whether they should skip him and go to (IIRC) "Wills".

Finally, one of the guys turned to me (noticing my determined silence) and asked me what I thought. I replied that I didn't have a dog in that hunt, what with the recent unpleasantness with His late Majesty King George and everything, but if you wanted to structure a nobility around primogeniture, then it seemed like you'd picked a system. ;-)

That said, it's not at all clear that our miserable political elite could possibly be worse if they used that same system.

I must say, though, the idea that Charles is worshiped as a god is a bit gobsmacking. One hopes that he has a touch of Vespasian in his (last words: "I feel myself becoming a god").