Friday, December 2, 2011

Queen Anne's Drill

Bob points us to an amazing video of the US Army Drill Team doing some synchronized razzle-dazzle with bayonet-tipped Springfield '03s.

That led me to the US Marine Corps Silent Drill Team doing their synchronized razzle-dazzle with bayonet-tipped Garands.

The drill has its roots in the Royal Navy under Her late Majesty, Queen Anne.  Discipline of the day was strict - brutal, even - and precision drill gave crack outfits a way to show off.  Notice that both the videos above (Bob's and mine) use rifles with bayonets firmly attached.  Not only are the rifles twirled around, but they're flung back and forth.  Yes, you can get cut; that's part of what makes this so spectacular.

But shifting from the sublime to the ridiculous, one Queen Anne's Drill has gone down in cinematic history:

That's a fact, Jack!  Sir!

As you were, carry on.


WoFat said...

STRIPES is kind of the Army I remember.

The DrillMaster said...

The USMC SDP is the epitome of precision! Their drill is basic to mid-level, but boy, they pull it off extremely well!


Ken said...

Years ago, I read an essay arguing that the best satire is that done with genuine affection for its target. I think that's what gives Stripes its charm. Enduring charm, for that matter.

Sgt. Hulka (Warren Oates) always reminded me a bit of my late uncle, who was a USAR long-timer, trucker, and volunteer firefighter.

Chris said...

For years I thought Bill Murray said "Death to fags, Jack!"

At least it fit.