Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"I've never felt so alone"

Postsecret brings the wisdom of crowds like few other sites.  It brings this:

The comments tell a story:
Hi Frank - My husband and I are not able to have children. Or at least I'm not. I had my 2nd ectopic pregnancy the day before Thanksgiving and they took my last fallopian tube. I would love to get my contact info to the poster of the abortion secret in case she changes her mind and considers adoption. We would make amazing parents!...[email removed]...

Hi Frank - Can you please take down my email? I'm getting hate mail. I guess it wasn't the right thing to do. Thank you!
Hate mail.  Because they dared reach out, to let her know that she wasn't alone.

Once the Left had a vision of the future that wasn't simply a feral, tribal attempt to Canute-like, keep the tide from receding.  Once, the vision was inspiring.  Now, they're determined to sacrifice the first born to Baal.

And it's sad that I have to point out that this doesn't really have anything to do with Abortion and free choice.  What a degraded state for a once proud political tradition, that they need to rely on street thuggery.

UPDATE 6 December 2011 16:11: It seems that I'm not the only one who thinks that something profound has been lost by "progressives".


TJIC said...

Excellent post.

Thank you.

North said...


Better a baby be dead than loved, I guess.

I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.
-Ronald Reagan

Borepatch said...

Thanks guys. It seems that the longer I blog, the rantier I get. Don't think I like that. :-(

NotClauswitz said...

They say things run in cycles, and after reading The Vikings, it seems to me that the Left is really just the Old Religion of paganism/heathenism come back to haunt the present day. The Left worships nothing so much as themselves - it's feral, tribal, and very much leveling before Baal or Odin or whomever they can get to succor themselves.

Paladin said...

My attitudes toward abortion in general were once very different from what they are now. I think the turning point where I began to think about the issue and change my mind hinged on experiencing the rabidness with which some progressives actually seem to promote abortion to the exclusion of other alternatives to unwanted/inconvenient pregnancies.

Many seemed to believe in a woman's right to choose - but only if the choice is made with blinders on. That didn't sit well with me.

Stephen said...

I saved my grandchild from abortion. To think what I would have lost.

Borepatch said...

Stephen, that's heroic. Not all heroic deeds are rewarded, but I hope that this one is.

North said...

It is wonderful what Stephen did.

But it is sad that saving children has to be considered exceptional and not just commonplace.

An Ordinary American said...

If we can't stand up and fight for children, then what does that make us?

Not sure I really want to know the answer to that one.

We too are trying to adopt, except we want a teenager.

It's a shame when it is easier, quicker and cheaper for a woman to stroll into an abortion clinic and get gutted than it is for a married couple to adopt a child that nobody wants.

When did we get this screwed up?


Anonymous said...

Is there some way we can help? and I'm serious, I want to help and do something for her.