Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 Tacticus took up the offer to suggest new blogroll additions. The first one is a site I already visit and just hadn't thought to add. It's called WWII after WWII. The posts are themed around WWII weapons and equipment that continued to be used after the war ended.

It's now in the blogroll under Other Blogs I Read.

I went back to a recent post to use as an example. The topic is the post war use of P-51 Mustangs by the U.S. Army. Yes, the Army. RTWT.

1 comment:

Aesop said...

All of which were taken away from Big Green by the Key West Agreements of 1947, which decreed that the Army shall not have any armed fixed-wing aircraft, Ever. IOW, if Army owns it, and it has wings, it can't have any weapons. Period. They even frown on letting the pilots of such carry sidearms.

Because such would imply (correctly) that the Air Farce thinks CAS is a waste of assets, and which explains their endless quest to kill the A-10 every year since they bought the first one.

Based on this example though, the blog is probably spiffy, though.