Sunday, June 30, 2024

Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc.

 In my most recent post, I brought up the 25th Amendment. The comments uniformly consider the impact from a national perspective. Which candidate and party will win the White House in November? Would leaving Pr. Biden in office improve the GOP's chances?

If it was only that simple.

Military and political leaders in every country in the world watched Pr. Biden's performance in the debate. They looked at his expressions. Watched Jill Biden help him off the stage and then praise him like a toddler at the after party. I suspect they already knew but now everyone knows and we know they know.

Every day he remains in office is a day we don't have a Commander in Chief. 

Hillary Clinton once ran an ad asking who you wanted answering the phone at 3 AM when a crisis happened. The answer wasn't Hillary, but it's a good question.

Who is answering the phone at the White House tonight?



riverrider said...

likely the same ones that stood around twiddling their thumbs during benghazi, while bath house barry was "indisposed".

JaimeInTexas said...

No confidence in doctor Jill "Edith Wilson" Biden's capabilities?

Borepatch said...

Tusli Gabard should be the one answering the phone at the White House.

Just Sayin'.