Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Is the Signal secure messaging platform actually secure?

A competitor claims that it's not:

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov issued a scathing criticism of Signal, alleging the messaging service is not secure and has ties to US intelligence agencies.


Durov made his remarks on his Telegram channel on Wednesday, pushing a variety of points against the rival messenger app, including alleging it has ongoing ties to the US government, casting doubt over its end-to-end encryption, and claiming a lack of software transparency, as well as describing Signal as "an allegedly "secure" messaging app.


The Register could not find public reports of Signal messages leaking due to faulty encryption. We also have reached out to the company and will update accordingly. 
I'm not sure what to think here, other than the US Intelligence Community is doing no favors for US tech businesses, and hasn't for a long, long time.  This sort of accusation will get some traction, whether it is true or not.




Glen Filthie said...

In this day and age we are all on camera, all the time.

Divemedic said...

I have long accused the FBI of either colluding or sponsoring Antifa, and the fact that Antifa is using Signal to coordinate and communicate during riots is simply another data point of confirmation.

HMS Defiant said...

The files released by the various spies within the ranks of the NSA contractors were illuminating. Nothing is invulnerable to spying by the NSA and FBI. I wonder how Assange is doing these days and if he'll last even as long as Epstein before he commits suicide in his special suicide proof cell carefully monitored by the very best thugs Hillary et al can find to be at his disposal.

JNorth said...

So, use the system controlled by US intelligence agencies or Russian intelligence agencies. I guess it comes down to who will give a crap about what you are talking about.

Chuck Pergiel said...

If you want to keep your business private, don't be using electronic communication. Most people will ignore that advice. I suspect most don't worry about this. Most people don't need to worry, but even most of the people who should be worried, don't. Only a small fraction of people who should be concerned will do something about it. The others will only do something once they have been bitten.

matism said...

I trust the Russian intelligence agencies FAR MORE than I trust the Western Intelligence agencies today. Never forget "Five Eyes", or is it "Fourteen Eyes" these days?

Every one of them is putridly foul! And they work together to break every privacy law with impunity. After all, it is not illegal for British intelligence to intercept American communications. And then if they give that info to the Feds, well...

Richard said...

Since I have no access to anything Classified, Russian or Chinese intelligence would find me boring and not worthy of their intention. US intelligence and their co-conspirators in Five Eyes would find my political opinions most interesting even if I am not an obvious right-wing extremist like the Latin Mass folks.

matism said...

I would also note that Russian companies are unlikely to be using DEI, so their products might actually WORK properly!