Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The last of the Doolittle Raiders passes on

Lt. Col. Dick Cole - Jimmy Doolittle's co-pilot and the last of the Doolittle Raiders has passed on at age 103.  Dwight has a good tribute.

A couple years back when The Queen Of The World and I were in Ohio seeing her Dad, we took a couple hours to visit the Air Force Museum in Dayton.  They had the bottle of Cognac which had been presented to the raiders by the city of Tuscon on display there.  It was for a toast by the group but it had never been opened.  It felt eerie, knowing that the final toast was finally nigh.  All of the silver goblets are now turned face down.


Ave atque vale - hail and farewell.


libertyman said...

Brave men all. I hope they are remembered for all time.

PS (Spell check must have made vale into value)

Home on the Range said...

My Dad was stationed at Norwich UK during WWII as an area police officer. He would talk about the planes coming back totally shot up to the point they would crash on arrival. It always moved him to tears.

Tom Murin said...

I got a bunch of dust in my eyes for some reason while I was watching this.