Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Catholic Church has a swamp that needs to be drained

In a time of universal (dare we say catholic) deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  Click through and read the entire document which is damning.

The response so far is fascinating.  The Pope says he won't talk about it, and Cardinal Cupich says that this whole sorry mess is just a distraction keeping the Church from talking about climate change. That's what a swamp looks like.


Jerry said...

Don't forget that gaggle of nuns harassing Ruger and Smith & Wesson.

JD said...

It will be Boston all over. Promote and protect the guilty, claim to fix it and do damage control. The church is fallen and hard. Not sure how folks can stay a part of it at this point.

Sardaukar said...

If interested I signed and if you are Catholic you should too.