Tuesday, July 23, 2024

It's Funny Till It's Not

 The Democrats finally recognized that running an 81 year old man with dementia was a losing proposition. So they told us he had Covid, took him back to Washington, and announced he was not going to be the candidate in November.

So we have a President everyone on both sides agrees is unfit to run for office, still in office.

And who has the final launch authority on the U.S. nuclear arsenal for the next seven months?


danielbarger said...

The person with the "launch authority" for the next six months is the same person who has had it for the past 3.5 years. And it's NOT Pedo Joe. Never was.

Old NFO said...

Hopefully Dan is right... hopefully...

Tacitus said...

I'd put this in the not funny at all column. The current administration is messin' around with their proxies launching strikes into Russia. And is giving ambiguous, weak responses to nuclear armed China and near nuke capable Iran regards their aggressive actions. It's not far fetched to imagine some chain of errors that could, for instance, lead to a tactical nuke being set off somewhere. And then what? Biden making the call? He'd probably nuke Mexico by mistake. Harris? She'd have to first convene a blue ribbon panel to examine the environmental footprint and the disproportionate impact on the LGBT community. So probably the Joint Chiefs decide to respond....or not. In general a degree of inertia to a low level incident is far from the worst case scenario, but imagine the down stream effect. Hey, it was only a limited thermonuclear incident. Maybe it was just workplace violence. And the Houthis, and whatever remains of Al Q, and the Taliban, and whoever else takes note and says....hmmmm....interesting. Clarity is needed in existential matters.

Richard said...

Once upon a time, I spent a lot of time studying MAD. In order for it to work you have to convince an adversary that you are inhumanly rational and completely insane all at the same time. And yet it die "work" for decades. Or was the whole thing just a gigantic bluff. Obviously, the French didn't trust the US to use nukes to protect France so they built their own. They were even explicit about it.

SiGraybeard said...

Why limit the question to the nuclear arsenal? Who's running the show, period?

If he's not fit to run for office, he's not fit to hold his office. I can imagine an endless series of executive orders to do everything from eliminating borders to flying known terrorists (Hamas, Isis, you name it) directly into the country. Aiding and abetting terrorist attacks against the US, over and over and over again.

Nuclear is a big, scary word, but there are millions of things the Deep State could do that will hurt people.

Don't mind me. said...

He'll probably be dead before the election so they can garner the sympathy vote?
Maybe. I think they want/need more chaos than that.

Aesop said...

Harris has been the Apologist Liar In Chief for 3 1/2 years, telling us all comforting fairytales about how Poopypants was "sharp as a tack", until days before his public bed-sh*tting at the debate.

She's now going to own the onus for not convening the cabinet and throwing Joe under the 25th Amendment bus, and she owns everything that happens from now until January 20th, no matter what she does or doesn't do.

She might as well see him removed from office for obvious cause, and at least have some say in the stupid decisions that will be made going forward.

She could become not only the first woman (acting) president, she could serve as a cautionary tale for the ages why such ought never be done again!

As it is, just like RTAF, she's just a patsy in the ongoing coup, along strictly for the ride, with neither oar nor paddle to affect her fate.