Friday, July 12, 2024

Is anyone using old D-Link DIR-859 WiFi routers?

If so, you need to replace it right away.  There is a critical vulnerability which allows a Bad Guy to dump user accounts and passwords - basically, this lets him take over the box.  Because the routers are End Of Life (EOL) there will never be a software update to fix this.

Fortunately, home WiFi routers are pretty cheap these days.

I used to run D-Link in the past (I'm pretty sure I had one at FOB Borepatch, back in the day) but those are long gone now.  If you have one then run, don't walk to get a replacement.

Details here for those who are interested.


Old NFO said...

Thanks! I 'had' one as a spare, it is now in the trash.

Kurt said...

Nah - I gave on on those kinds of things years ago. None of them, from any manufacturer, that I've ever had experience with did well at all.

I built a small fanless computer from parts bought from Amazon, which runs Opnsense, and am running Ruckus WAPs. Beautiful stuff.
