Friday, December 9, 2011

Well, there goes the neighborhood

Childhood friend Rick got tired of emailing me all sorts of good things for me to post, and started up his own blog.  Although he's a little mystified:
That's it.  I'm out.  I waited until after lunch and I'm still not rich and famous, so to heck with this blogging thing.
Ah, get our hopes up, 2cents.  And then dash them with fourteen posts in two days.  Holy cow.  Yeah, yeah, you can give it up any time ...

And two words, my friend: Sitemeter.  It's like crack.

But he's a wicked smaht (and snarky) bastid, like this post on the Euro demonstrates:
Let me get this straight.  You are going to take a bunch of countries and peoples that pretty much resent and hate each other, have invaded and killed one another for millenia, have tremendous disparity in culture, work ethic and wealth and put them all together under one currency.  Without the reserves in place to make sure the currency will stay viable.  And no power to enforce measures against member states to keep their fiscal houses in order in return for belonging to that currency.  Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with that?

Anyway, stop by and say hi.  If you like snark, and climate denierism, and enemy-of-the-state counter-revolutionary propaganda, you'll like it.  And if you ask nicely, maybe he'll post about how he burned my eyebrows off with GulfLite in a MASSIVE FIREBALL OF DEATH.  Not that I'm bitter.

And added to the Borepatch blogroll.  That's the secret to fame and fortune.  It's money in the bank, in a "too big to fail" sense.

UPDATE 9 December 2011 13:03: Updated with his new link.  Plus, he did post about the Gulflite incident.  A war of choice, as it were.


Dave H said...

You might ask your friend to check his comment settings. It won't let me add a comment either under a Google account or a Livejournal account. If he doesn't want comments, he's missing out on half the fun of blogging.

2cents said...

Try again. I set it for all comenters.

2cents said...

oops "commenters"--can't type