Saturday, November 5, 2022

Vince Gill - One More Last Chance

So some Covid Karen tells us we all need to forgive and forget about the damage, deaths, and pain inflicted by the Covid lockdowns.  Lots of folks are talking about this - I particularly like Aesop's. Better people than I have written eloquently about the death and destruction, and about how forgiveness requires repentance.  I really don't have anything more to add about that, either.

But one thing struck me about Karen's (actually Brown University Economist Emily Oster) article.  Specifically, this:

The people who got it right, for whatever reason, may want to gloat. Those who got it wrong, for whatever reason, may feel defensive and retrench into a position that doesn’t accord with the facts. All of this gloating and defensiveness continues to gobble up a lot of social energy and to drive the culture wars, especially on the internet. These discussions are heated, unpleasant and, ultimately, unproductive. In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck. And, similarly, getting something wrong wasn’t a moral failing. Treating pandemic choices as a scorecard on which some people racked up more points than others is preventing us from moving forward. [My emphasis - Borepatch]

Whoa, slow down Cowpoke.  There wasn't any luck involved at all.  Case in point, Borepatch, March 22, 2020 - a week after lockdowns were imposed:

There are three very interesting Coronavirus narratives emerging in just the last day or two:

  1. The virus looks to be less bad - and perhaps much less bad - than we had feared.  As we learn more, we learn that the worst case scenario that had been put forward is much less likely.
  2. Government actions have been a factor in making the outbreak or response worse or of using the outbreak to cover up their failures.
  3. The government response is strangling the economy.  By their own admission (i.e. bills being discussed in Congress), there is at least a Trillion dollars of damage so far.
So look at this situation: things are not as bad as we feared, governments are to some extent demonstrably incompetent and untrustworthy, and the draconian crackdown/overreaction is destroying businesses, jobs, and people's lives.

Man, I sure was lucky in that analysis, wasn't I?  But I guess that I'm particularly lucky because a month later I wrote this:

Most importantly of all, we're not tracking (well, modeling) how many of the Kung Flu deaths are people who had severe health problems and would likely have died soon anyway.  Sure, there are stories about young healthy people keeling over from this; we know that this is a vanishingly small minority of the total deaths.

But we know that we are putting the population of the country under severe strain, and that this has very real consequences.  Aesop left a comment from the health care front lines that illustrates this:

And yes, in one night, three of the traumas we had were domestic violence.

Normally, we see one of those a month; at worst, one a week. Not three in one night.

But it hasn't been that way every night. Yet.

Man, that's two in a row for Borepatch!  How lucky can you get?  But wait - there's more!  Posted here September 3, 2020:

A groundbreaking new study commissioned by Revolver News concludes that COVID-19 lockdowns are ten times more deadly than the actual COVID-19 virus in terms of years of life lost by American citizens.

Up until this point there had been no simple, rigorous analysis that accurately and definitively conveys the true costs of the COVID-19 lockdowns. Accordingly, Revolver News set out to commission a study to do precisely that: to finally quantify the net damage of the lockdowns in terms of a metric known as “life-years.” Simply put, we have drawn upon existing economic studies on the health effects of unemployment to calculate an estimate of how many years of life will have been lost due to the lockdowns in the United States, and have weighed this against an estimate of how many years of life will have been saved by the lockdowns. The results are nothing short of staggering, and suggest that the lockdowns will end up costing Americans over 10 times as many years of life as they will save from the virus itself.

Bold in original.  That's some medical response, right there.

In all honesty, this really isn't controversial at all.  We've studied the health effects of unemployment for decades and decades.  We know what happened to employment, and how many people lost their jobs.  Applying known health impacts to those people allows us to quantify mortality due to the lockdown.  It's just math.

What is interesting here is the analysis of age at death.  For virtually all (90%) of Covid deaths, the patient was very old.  This means that there were few "life years" left for that patient.  However, for unemployment caused mortality the age at death was much younger, and so there were many more years for each of these people.

The process of higher mathematics gives the result that is in boldface in the quote.

It's hard to see a more counter productive government response.

Man, I must be the luckiest man on the face of the earth, stringing these analyses and predictions together like that.  I'd better buy a Powerball ticket for tonight!  [/snark]

So what is it that makes me so much smarter than a Brown University Professor?  I wrote about this in the April post linked above, specifically:

Once a government executes a particular power, they will want to do it again.  Most of the country in under house arrest; where does that lead in the future?  To SiG's point that people will answer this by saying that people will die and isn't it heartless to let them die over a hypothetical, let me reply by asking how many people?  Because we don't know the number because we're not measuring the factors that would tell us the answer: how many are very sick and would die within the next 6-12 months?  Sure their lives are valuable but do we wreck 50 million lives to give them and extra 6 months?  That sounds harsh, but that's exactly the tradeoff that we are making.

It's the Unseen.  And the costs are Unseen, too, because no Governor in the land wants to make it explicit to the voters just what are all the many miseries that have been unleashed on them by said Governor.  That it is Unseen is not by accident.

And so our policy makers see the situation poorly, looking through a glass darkly at only a portion of the situation.  Of course the resulting public policy is hideous.  Interestingly, the misery is concentrated on Trump voters (the hourly wage class), not the governing class (who work from home via videoconference).  You can't get to your factory job that way, but the salaried class are doing fine.  No doubt this is all a coincidence.

Even a private University like Brown cannot exist without the generous support of the Government.  Professor Oster has a financial incentive to follow the government with respect to this policy, and when a person's dinner depends upon their support for a particular policy they tend not to see any evidence that runs counter to that policy.

Oh, and no doubt Professor Oster did just fine during the lockdowns while working class people in Providence lost their businesses.  No doubt this was all a coincidence, too.

Moving on is crucial now, because the pandemic created many problems that we still need to solve.

Student test scores have shown historic declines, more so in math than in reading, and more so for students who were disadvantaged at the start. We need to collect data, experiment, and invest. Is high-dosage tutoring more or less cost-effective than extended school years? Why have some states recovered faster than others? We should focus on questions like these, because answering them is how we will help our children recover.

Many people have neglected their health care over the past several years. Notably, routine vaccination rates for children (for measles, pertussis, etc.) are way down. Rather than debating the role that messaging about COVID vaccines had in this decline, we need to put all our energy into bringing these rates back up. Pediatricians and public-health officials will need to work together on community outreach, and politicians will need to consider school mandates.

The standard saying is that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. But dwelling on the mistakes of history can lead to a repetitive doom loop as well. Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward.
Point of order, Professor Oster: it wasn't the pandemic that caused all this damage.  Rather, it was the government imposed lockdowns (supported by "experts" such as yourself) that did.  Some of us called this very, very early: April 21, 2020 to be specific:
There is simply no rational, science-based justification to keep the lockdowns in place anymore.  We see this recognized by Governors (who are starting to end the lockdown) and by the population in general (who are starting to willfully violate the lockdown).  Everybody but the "experts" is starting to recognize this, and the "experts" may be refusing to recognize it so that they don't get blamed.
We knew this from the very beginning, but dim-bulb "Experts" like Professor Oster got this public policy wrong all the time.  They got it was catastrophically wrong. Yet somehow the "experts" keep wanting another chance to get things catastrophically wrong again.  And again.  And again.

Professor Oster wants us to give these same "experts" one more last chance.  There's a Country music song about that.

(Best country music cameo ever)

One More Last Chance (Songwriters: Vince Gill, Gary Nicholson)
She was standing at the front door
When I came home last night
A good book in her left hand
And a rollin' pin in the right
She said you've come home for the last time
With whiskey on your breath
If you don't listen to my preachin' boy
I'm goin' to have to beat you half to death

Give me just a one more last chance
Before you say we're through
I know I drive you crazy baby
It's the best that I can do
We're just some good ol' boys, a makin' noise
I ain't a runnin' 'round on you
Give me just a one more last chance
Before you say we're through

First she hid my glasses
'Cause she knows that I can't see
She said you ain't goin' nowhere boy
'Til you spend a little time with me
Then the boys called from the honky tonk
Said there's a party goin' on down here
Well she might've took my car keys
But she forgot about my old John Deere

So give me just a one more last chance
Before you say we're through
I know I drive you crazy baby
It's the best that I can do
We're just some good ol' boys, a makin' noise
I ain't a runnin' 'round on you
Give me just a one more last chance
Before you say we're through


  1. There should have never, never, never, never, never, never, never, ever have been lockdowns.(that's not 20/20 hindsight)
    That being said, we knew in the first two weeks that there should have never, never, never, never, never, never, ever had been the lockdowns.
    Remember the Democrat propaganda machine was at first saying Trump was wrong and overacting. Remember Nancy Pelosi told people to come down to Chinatown......
    AND THEN SHAZAMM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Democrats reached into their filing cabinets of scams and pulled out "Stealing an election through mail in voting vis a vis fear pandering".
    HELL NO !!!
    F*CK NO !!!!!!
    Retribution and pain need to be administrated severely.
    Yes, I am very angry about the las three years and the actual damage done by these MFer's

  2. In Australia there was a pandemic management plan published in 2019, not too long before the official pandemic. It mentions almost none of the measures taken, but it does talk about taking the lightest possible hand as lockdowns etc. will reduce public trust in future emergencies.

    Well golly gosh, knock me down with a feather, public trust in government has been smashed...

    Direct link to the PDF mentioned here:

  3. I began to be especially skeptical of the whole lockdown thing when they insisted that it was better to STAY INSIDE (i.e. avoid fresh air and sunshine, in which viruses do not survive well). The "vaccination" was big NO for me when I figured out, early on, that it was at best minimally tested. At this point, I wonder how many no longer trust the whole medical establishment. I know I sure don't. My doctor really, really wanted all his patients to get all the shots and boosters.

  4. First and foremost NONE of what happened was accidental. The virus was created and deliberately released for TWO reasons. First to justify the illegal imposition of mail in voting and ballot harvesting to facilitate the massive cheating that allowed the criminal left to steal the White House. A cheating machine that is still in place, still operating and will be in still be in play this week during the midterms

    The second reason the virus was deliberately released was to allow the criminals in power to forcibly poison untold millions of people with the mRNA poison posing as a 'vaccine'. Understand this reality. The virus was created FOR the 'vaccine'. The 'vaccine' was NOT created for the virus. It existed before as a planned method of thinning the herd.

    The evil people behind this....and they number in the many thousands...deserve, in fact NEED to be executed. A society simply cannot allow evil of this magnitude to survive and continue..

  5. Gonna sell you a product.

    But you have to sign a contract that says I am not responsible for ANYTHING, irrespective of ANY laws to the contrary regarding it -- functionality, fit for purpose, safe in normal use, adherence to established standards. I will bear absolutely NO liability for ANY reason.

    Time passes, you bought it, but you are finding it doesn't seem what it was advertised to be. So I change the name of it and reclassify it. In short, I change the definition of what "it" is. (I swear Bill Clinton had to be the background somewhere.)

    More time passes and one of I inform you that I never tested the product in the first place. No long term testing, and we never actually tested to see if it works at all. In fact, we're pretty sure now that it doesn't.

    Along the way the product has killed or maimed thousands.

    But remember -- no liability. I am NOT RESPONSIBLE.

    But as a result I am very very rich.

    You are John Q. Citizen, contracted by proxy of the US government.

    I am Pfizer.

    And now I am developing a combination of that same product and one that has been an annual offering for decades. Just wait until you see the conditions for next year's product, a COVID/Flu shot.

  6. DB, I believe there's a third reason - China deliberately caused it to unsettle the world economy so they could potentially usurp it.

    If there's anything good from all this, it's that your average Joe won't just say, "How high?" when the government and media (I repeat myself) tells him to jump.

  7. Here's a report which shows that global governmental responses were designed to frighten populations into subjugation and obedience.

  8. There is absolutely no excuse for what happened there. AT ALL. Hell's bells - grade 11 biology should have been enough to put the kibosh on this. Say what ya want - by two weeks in it was obvious that bug was supposedly moving in magical ways that only progressives could understand. By three weeks in the grift was obvious. NOBODY had good numbers, they were all over the place - and deriving that info is a foundation stone of modern medical science. Stat collection is basic level knowledge - anyone with an advanced high school diploma or college level math knew this... and even they went along with it. (Including a certain greek philosopher who has since recanted).

    I think it was you that once said that when socialists over run the institutions... they stop working. Our medical industry is done like dinner and can no longer be trusted any more so than the mainstream media.

    The lady is right. Getting mad at these people and threatening them and possibly even punishing them will do no good... the people that fell for this were idiots going in, they'll be idiots at their trials, and they will be idiots when they are punished. If they survive they will still be idiots. And they will fall for the Next Current Thing too.

    The real lesson here is... what will happen if we are ever faced with a REAL pandemic? At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to see astrology and demonology employed by the "medical profession" to deal with it.

  9. 1. Spending any time in a hospital is injurious to one's mental health. That mental shock can easily lead to physical ailments.

    2. There was a time, says C.S. Forester, when HM physicians kept ill and injured sailors below deck, because to expose them to sunlight and fresh air was exposure to all kinds of maladies. Sunshine and fresh air kill bad things, emotional, physical and political. I suppose our betters forgot that.

  10. They only want amesty or a my bad for give us because they know how bad they look and know people are pissed because this author and so many others gave none of any of what they are asking. They gave no mercy to business while they ran around on vacations or in hair salons not following their own edicts. They are in a patteren of worry as the mask has came off for anyone that wants to see reality. And they know they deserve to be destoryed for how they behaved, even in the face of science.

  11. After giving Professor Oster's plea due consideration, I'll let Inigo Montoya speak for me on the subject of forgiveness.


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