Friday, September 4, 2009

SecurityFix on what to do when Scareware hits

Brian Krebs has a good post up over at SecurityFix, on what to do when you get hit by fake antivirus "scareware". Good advice.


  1. Interestingly, my wife ran into that EXACT site last week. She came into my home office with her laptop and "i think i screwed up..."

    at first, even i thought it was legit, until i noticed the "xp" look on her vista laptop, and i'm a dev at MS!

    The scariest part was that she got to it not by clicking something she shouldn't have, but by clicking on a google search result for some cake baking/frosting information.

    But i did give her a high five for stopping immediately and bringing it to me when she thought she'd just inadvertantly infected the machine!

  2. John, the Bad Guys are good at getting these to load into other web sites, either as an ad or by cross site scripting of other dirty tricks.

    It's quite impressive to see it "run" on my Ubuntu desktop. ;-)


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