Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hope, Change, and Incompetence

Mark Stein makes an outstanding point about Obama, over at The Corner:
So I had no expectations about his executive competency. But I assumed he had folks around him who could take care of that kind of stuff - that he'd be the smiley-face hopeychange frontman on an ideologically disastrous but ruthlessly efficient team. I figured he'd have a Deputy Assistant Associate Secretary of whatever who'd know what the form was for a prime ministerial visit by a close ally, and an Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary who wouldn't compound the gaffes by telling Fleet Street who cares about the Brits anyway. I expected he'd have an Assistant Associate Deputy Secretary who'd know that Russo-American relations weren't the proper forum for lame prop gags, and a Deputy Associate Assistant Secretary who, once the decision were taken to go ahead with the lame prop gag, would at least be able to translate correctly one single word from English to Russian.
While it's kind of fun to see Democrats have to defend six weeks of blatant incompetence (after 8 years of complaining about a "stupid" president), it can't be a good thing for the country to have 4 years of Larry, Moe, and Curley trying to implement policy.

I mean, eventually the world will notice, and Joe Biden's prediction that Obama will be tested will come true. I can't say that I'm thrilled that Barry won the election, but I'd like a little more confidence that when the chips are down we can count on him.


  1. I mean, eventually the world will notice, and Joe Biden's prediction that Obama will be tested will come true.

    It might have already happened. Heard about the recent encounter between a US Navy research ship and a bunch of Chinese? Unpleasant echoes of the spyplane incident in April 2001.

    I can't say that I'm thrilled that Barry won the election, but I'd like a little more confidence that when the chips are down we can count on him.

    I'd like to have a nice farm of a couple hundred acres, fully equipped with house, barns, machinery, and animals, and a few million tax-free dollars to run it with. I suspect your wish is about as likely to come true as mine is.

  2. Wolfwalker, for the sake of the country, I hope you're wrong. I fear that you may be right.

    And I like your wish list farm. Alas, the Mrs. and I have a "Green Acres" relationship; she'd like the in-town condo. Nothing I'd like better then to step out my back door and shoot at my own rifle range ...

    Maybe I can get stimulus money? ;-)

  3. 4 years of Larry, Moe, and Curley, that's the Cabinet - and Obama isn't even Moe, he's Shemp.

  4. *nods* I thought that the bureaucracy would be able to handle day-to-day affairs with at least a minimum of competence, thus ensuring that Obama didn't look like a total moron once in office. Looks like I was wrong.


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