Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mitt Romney thinks I'm an idiot

I have proof:This is the form you have to fill out and submit with your Massachusetts income tax, stating (under penalty of perjury) that you have health insurance.

This bit of big government, nanny state, Do It For The Children™ legislation is brought to you courtesy of Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts. Compare and contrast:

Time Magazine, The Republican Who Thinks Big On Healthcare (December 4, 2005):
Governor Mitt Romney is a Massachusetts politician with a long, narrow face, an impossible shock of hair and presidential ambitions. He's also pretty tall. But any resemblance to another recent Massachusetts politician who ran for President evaporates the moment Romney opens his mouth: his demeanor and metabolism are the opposite of John Kerry's—informal, conversational, enthusiastic and speedy. Or maybe it was just that we were talking about his rather remarkable plan to bring mandatory universal health-care coverage to Massachusetts by next summer, the first time a Republican has tried to pull off this most Democratic of policy goals.
Boston Examiner, Romney: 'I'm a conservative Republican' (November 21, 2006):
Eager to position himself as the most conservative GOP presidential hopeful, Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney accused Sen. John McCain Monday of being “disingenuous” on gay marriage.


“I’m a conservative Republican, there’s no question about that,” he said. “I’m at a different place than the other two.”

National Journal’s Hotline, a compendium of insider political analysis, predicted Monday that “Romney will run squarely to the right of John McCain and Rudy Giuliani in what’s fast become a three-man GOP race.”

Now I have to be up-front: I kind of like Mitt, and think he was a decent Governor. Actually, compared to the current bozo, he was downright stellar. He might even make a decent President.

It may also be good public policy to require everyone to buy health insurance - especially insurance that contains expensive stuff they don't need or want, but which drives the cost up a whole bunch. I don't agree with this, but would be willing to listen to arguments on the subject.

He's no conservative. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing - I'm not one, either.

But I don't tell people I am.

Personally, I'd like Mitt a lot more if he didn't think I was dumb enough that he could blow smoke up my [redacted].

Y'all are warned. If you like Romney because you think he's conservative, you're just like David Brooks who liked Obama because "he's a moderate." You're fixin' to get a big, big disappointment.

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