Sunday, July 14, 2024

Richard Strauss - Elektra

So they tried to assassinate Donald Trump.  The question is whether they will try again.  The next question will be what will be the reaction if they succeed.

It's that second question that made me think of Strauss and his ferocious opera Elektra.  That girl had family issues: Her father was Agamemnon, leader of the Greeks against Troy.  He sacrificed her sister to the Gods to gain favorable winds for the invasion fleet.  Her mother Klytemnestra murdered her father in revenge.  Her brother Orest kills their mother in revenge.  Mad with fury, Elektra dances in the blood of the guilty.

Quite a story.  The Nazis quite admired it, the necessity of bloodletting to purify the family.  Yesterday's events made me think on what might befall should they succeed in their manic desires to stop Trump by any means necessary.

May God save this Honorable Republic.


  1. My first opera was Elektra. I remember a translation at the top of the stage curtain, "she is poisonous, like a cat". Hmmmmm.....

    As we monitored the mixer board, my friend, a noted recording engineer, said, "Elektra probably isn't the best first opera experience." We had a very good working relationship. A very good friendship. Elektra always reminds me of him.

  2. Everyone screeches about the Nzais and the Japanese.
    Nobody dares mention Stalin and Lenin, who made the Germans, Japanese, and Italians look like amateurs.
    I wonder why?


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