Thursday, July 25, 2024

Enjoy the Democratic infighting

There seemed to be a lot less attention to my recent post about fighting between various Democratic coalitions than to the one about Preference Cascades. That's too bad because we are seeing that fighting right out in the open, and it explains a lot about why things are happening.

Exhibit A: the firing of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.  Sure, it was the Right Thing to do, but when has anyone in Washington DC done the Right Thing?  Instead, let's look at coalitions and their current dynamics.

Cheatle was firmly in Biden's coalition, seemingly close to "Doctor" Jill herself.  But now Sleepy Joe is gone and doesn't have the stroke to protect his coalition members.  It seems that Kamala was key in pressuring Cheatle to resign - Kamala is constructing her own coalition and needs to show the world that she's the one with stroke.  Also, she needs the assassination story off the front pages, so this kills two birds with one stone.  Plus, it opens up a position in the bureaucracy that she can dangle in front of people she wants to join her coalition.  It's a threefer.

Exhibit B: The Far Left coalition is throwing its weight around, rioting in Washington's Union Station and the Capitol, and tearing down and burning American flags:

Sansour was direct. She warned the Democratic Party might lose the Muslim and Far Left votes in November. “Let us be clear. Our votes are still to be earned.”
The dynamic here will be familiar to Europeans, looking at smallish but influential parties like the Greens. Sarsour is looking after her own coalition, trying to maintain the money and plum positions she can offer to supporters in return for their support.

I think I need to update my list of the coalitions in the Democratic Party's ongoing civil war:

  • The Bidens (fading fast)
  • The Clintons
  • Nancy Pelosi/Gavin Newsom
  • The Obamas
  • The Far Left 

All of these are jockeying for power right now.  We will see a lot of seemingly random events transpiring between now and at least the Democratic Convention that are anything but random.  They are about power and coalition building - and tearing down an opponent's coalition.

Quite frankly, that last is the Democrat's biggest problem - none of these factions really like each other very much.  The best that you can say is that they see the other factions as useful to their goal to get and keep power.  As more and more backstabbing occurs (as it must, there's only a month to the Convention and the time to strike is now or never), there will be less and less loyalty that they can count on from other factions after the convention.  90 days from then to the election doesn't give a lot of time to rig the results.  

That will take a deep level of commitment, which will be really, really hard for them to achieve. So enjoy the infighting. It will be going on for a while yet.

UPDATE 25 JULY 2024 11:53: This would be inexplicable without thinking about rival factions jockeying for position inside the Democratic Party: 

House Republicans and six Democrats voted on a resolution condemning President Joe Biden and his border czar, Vice President Kamala Harris, for failing to secure the border.

Which faction(s) do they support? Well, not Biden's or Harris'.


  1. People that don't read conservative media have never seen one of Harris' word salad responses. If she agrees to a debate with Trump all he has to do it sit back and let her do it in front of everyone.

  2. Meh.

    It’s kabuki theatre. Wake me up if one of the bad guys gets shot.

  3. I wonder if all those families are connected by marriage or just most of them? It is sort of like the European royalty families...

  4. Not sure the list of factions is complete or accurate.

    * I'm not sure Pelosi and Newsom are on the same team, and Newsom came up through the same Willie Brown machine as Kamala.
    * I think Pelosi is still more aligned with the traditional corrupt wing of the party.
    * There are multiple factions in the "left wing" of the party, including the identitarian/social justice wing of the party represented by Obama, and the old school bolshevik wing represented by Bernie Sanders.
    * The Soros clan appears, at this remove, to be backing multiple wings of the party.

  5. Lawrence, I think you're right. I think you're doubly right during a period of realignment like they're going through right now - factions will split off from other factions if they think that will give them a win.

  6. Even Glen finds an acorn once in awhile.

    Unless they start actually whacking each other, infighting is meaningless.

    Maybe start telling people Kamala has the dirt on the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate.

    Then see how long before random players start showing up on rooftops near her podiums.

    That's when it becomes comedy.

  7. Not only should the Democrats lose the Muslim vote, but America should lose all Muslims who support Sharia law and the idea of reestablishing a Caliphate, as traitors or undesireable immigrants. What they believe is inconsistent with the principles of America.

  8. Gotta agree with Glen on this one. What are we NOT seeing?

  9. We're not seeing the Demos paddling like hell, hoping they don't all go under in an epic vote tsunami.


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