Wednesday, January 17, 2024



 The cold weather in the midwest is stranding some Tesla drivers. This article is from Chicago, but reports are coming from other cities affected by the current cold snap. The issues include not having enough charge to properly preheat the battery so it will take a charge, not being able to charge at all, and getting only a partial charge that limits the available range. 

"Tesla owners in Chicago were left in dire straits as they were unable to charge their cars because of freezing weather temperatures.

Fox Chicago reported that charging stations have become "car graveyards" as temperatures drop into negative double digits. It comes as drivers also discovered the Tesla Cybertruck has less than 80% of its advertised range in cold weather.

Tyler Bears, who had tried to charge his Tesla at a charging station in Oak Brook, Illinois, was stuck for hours. He said: "Nothing. No juice. Still on zero percent. And this is like three hours being out here after being out here three hours yesterday.""

 Tesla has some helpful information under their Cold Weather Best Practices. Among the tips is the suggestion to not use the cabin heater while driving to save battery power. 


  1. To quote the great philosopher Muntz................
    "HAW HAW!"

  2. Gee... I guess us tin-hatters were right again...

  3. Lots of stuff to consider when driving your Tesla (or any electric car), just schedule your departure time 30-45 minutes in advance!! Then, hope you can find a charging station when you need it, that doesn't have 5 people ahead of you. It will be a while before I ever buy into such a proposition here in New England.

    Can someone please tell me what the electric bill is at home for charging an electric car on a monthly bill? How many KWh does it take, I wonder? Energy is energy, and there ain't nothin' for nothin' I am told.

  4. I wonder if AOC keeps her Tesla in a "heated" garage?

  5. It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.

  6. You will own NOTHING and be happy!
    The WEF is still meeting in Davos.

  7. as someone that has worked with battery gear in the northeast
    I have only one comment:

    Surprise!.... NOT!!

    Batteries still do not like the cold. If the battery has to be warm to work it will be bigger and heavier and requires a heater.


  8. Electric cars will HEAT the battery if it's too cold, and COOL the battery if it's too hot. That means the ELECTRIC heater in the car will come on to warm up the battery when it's cold. That means the ELECTRIC A/C compressor will come on when the battery is too hot.

    It warms my SOUL to hear the whining laments from all those virtue signaling, "more dollars than sense" types!

    Hey, LOOK, Karen!!! Coming at you with bright lights, heat, and hope!!!! A DIESEL-POWERED TOW TRUCK!!!!

  9. You guys understand this was a problem at ONE Supercharger? And the problem was not the car's fault but the charge station?

    Tesla has had Superchargers and cars for 9 years. Tesla is a top selling car in the Nordic countries. People have been charging in very cold weather for many years.

    My local Burger King was without power on Monday. My town had record cold. It didn't make national news.

    As always with the Tesla bashing stories that the MSM love- much ado about nothing.

  10. Blogger Peteforester said...

    My nephew rented a Tesla when we went to Florida last August and he took it to the beach.
    He did not know that the car would automatically run the air to keep it cool and they almost ran out of coal (battery power) getting back !!!!

  11. In other energy news, the *Biden junta is "reexamining" LNG exports to Europe. Tough luck suckas. And you can't pivot back to the Russians even if you wanted to since we blew up your pipeline. So it is Qatar or bust.


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