Friday, January 19, 2024

Big 2A gun decision

Lawrence has a good post up about the recent win (for the Good Guys) striking down firearms prohibitions in Post Offices.  This bit is they key:

The big difference here is that previous anti-gun laws overturned in the wake of Bruen have been state laws, but this one is a federal law. Perhaps one slipped by while I wasn’t looking, but I believe that this is the first federal law overturned in the wake of Bruen.

Decision by decision, the Second Amendment is slowly being restored to its proper place in American jurisprudence.

Sure looks that way.



  1. Which will drive the left to try even MORE regulations, hoping something sticks.

  2. Democratic democracy is intentionally designed to kill any other form of government that has ever existed. America is always in the top ten per capita for murder. If we remove the Deep blue democratic areas America falls to the bottom 10% per capita for murder. America doesnt have a gun control problem. America does not have a second Amendment problem. America does have a democratic democracy problem that is incapable of peace.

  3. I believe this judicial ruling only applies in the District where this court is in Florida. I have zero doubt that if you are caught armed in a Post Office anywhere else in general country you will be arrested and charged. Quoting this ruling as part of your defense MAY help you. But I wouldn't count on it. It will take years for this contradictory ruling vs law to be sorted out by the Federal courts.

  4. I will take the win but life has gotten worse for gun owners in at least 10 states post-Bruen. There hasn't been a lot of change in most of the others. OldNFO gets the prophecy award.

  5. I'm waiting for a SCOTUS majority to finally have had it up to their eyebrows with the pettifogging and shenanigans by the dozen or so democommunist states that just can't get it through their heads that SCDOTUS was serious with Heller, MacDonald, Bruen, NYSRPA, etc., and Mr. Justice Thomas finally gets greenlighted to issue the following majority opinion:

    "The Second Amendment was written in plain English. Prior decisions touching upon it by this court in recent years were as well. So for a final clarification, if your law concerns any arms known to mankind, and said law was written after A.D. 1791, it is hereby declared moot, null, and void, as written, in its entirety, and perpetually injuncted forever from any enforcement whatsoever. Don't make us pull this country over and come back to this topic again."

  6. @Aesop
    Waiting too but I am not hopeful. They have had plenty of chances to do this but keep ducking. Their process is more important to them than the Constitution. Thomas and Alito are the only ones we can count on.

  7. NoMaam, America has a societal problem!

    Nothing can compensate for failure in the home, and Libtards have been doing a War on The Family for over a century!

    And now, look at the fruits of that Labor...

  8. Given its originalist nature, can Bruen be used for the other amendments in the Bill of Rights?


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