Monday, March 7, 2022

The Peasant's Rebellion

In 1381 an English construction worker named Wat Tyler had had enough of an oppressive and out of touch government.  He led a growing movement that became known as The Peasant's Revolt which descended on London and created panic and confusion in the government of King Richard II.

Richard wasn't a strong monarch, being only a boy at the time, and all of the peasants assembled before the city walls was an impressive sight.  The King negotiated with them to try to defuse the situation.  After all, the English Army was beating the French in the Hundred Year's War because of the yeoman Longbowmen who made up much of the peasant's armed host.

But it was all a ruse.  The King met with Tyler, something went wrong, and Tyler was cut down by the royal bodyguard.  The King rode out to address the peasant force who, leaderless, dispersed.  This is pretty typical of Peasant Revolts in general - very few of them have been successful.

US Truckers have descended on Washington, D.C., having had enough of an oppressive and out of touch government.  But they seem unfocused, with confused goals - the original "End the Covid mandates" having more or less been done before they reached DC.  I have no idea what they hope to accomplish.

Good luck to them, but history suggests that they are unlikely to be very successful at whatever they are trying to accomplish.


  1. Excellent history lesson. Pity nobody seems to learn their history or maybe they'd stop doing the same things over and over again, Expecting a Different Result? Didn't some German fellow, ah Einstein say something about that?

    The Truckers Buffalo Jump continues to accomplish what exactly?

    The ODDLY WELL-TIMED little War with Russia and the very SLOW progress of the Convoy has Allowed the Powers that BE to eliminate their main reason for the Truckers Revolt. Putin cured COVID, where's His Noble Peace Prize?

    I wonder if like after the Jan 6th "Insurrection" how many will be picked up one by one as they brag on social media "I was there". To quietly rot in the DC Gulag probably uncharged and until they "Confess" to something.

    As little of this is on the Media, what "Interesting" ways will our Socialist-Democrats deal with this little "Peasants Revolt"?

  2. There has been ZERO coverage of that convoy. NONE. I said it before and I'll say it again; these guys MISSED THE WAVE on this one. It was about as spontaneous as a Catholic Mass. It was too "planned." It started in ...BARSTOW??? It started WAY after Trudeau had already handcuffed and dragged off his "peasants." Then came "Ukraine." Now all you hear about is "Ukraine." 24/7, it's "Ukraine." This buried Biden's bumbling "year 1." It buried COVID. It buried "The Peoples' Convoy." It buried whatever else "they" didn't want us to see.

    A national strike would have been more effective, more far-reaching, safer, and more noticed. You can't arrest a man for no going to work... yet...

  3. Mr. Borepatch, I wasimpressed and excited by the Canadian action. What a bold call in the face of the health tyranny Stasi collective. And they got results, fair play.

    Our deal? Not the same resonance, imo.

    1. I agree, the Canadian Convoy was well ped and planned; this seems a weak imitation of that one.

  4. Overtaken By Events

    They couldn't get media time now if they set themselves on fire and drove through a playground full of kids.

    It was a great idea. Two weeks too late.

    If they'd tried it concurrently with the Ottawa soirée, then...mebbe something.

    Instead: Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda.
    Success = Opportunity + Preparedness.
    This was an Preparedness Fail.
    Two weeks late, and a dollar short. And it's going to cost them selling a kidney to get back home now.

  5. We aren't peasants but freeman , its a nuanced difference. The urbanites are closer to peasantry than us.

    The real upside of this failure is it teaches a bit about being organized and builds the notion that together is better.

    American everyday often don't have any group identity or cohesion and the elite and their stooges do . Its a huge advantage on par with Rome vs Barbarians, the later assuming comparable gear were better warriors but the former cohesive .

    That skill and willingness to work to a common goal is essential since lone wolves (or pairs) can't make positive change and are easier to crush but groups can be more effective and harder.

    As noted goals were lacking but that can change.

    As for Wat Tyler , he forgot a crucial thing, The Elite be they ours of the kings of old have no honor to those outside their social class and would have no issues with utterly dishonorable behavior to them.

    You have to be ready to fight and not dependent on one leader. That willingness is why the Canadians did well and Wat did not.


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