Friday, July 23, 2021

The weather today around Borepatch's place

Best wishes to co-blogger and brother-from-another-mother ASM826, and I hope that Glen Filthie doesn't murder him with a fork for his last Dad joke. I'm told that the needed part is in-hand, and that the techs will be around to install it tomorrow morning.  Hopefully this time it will work for sure, because the last time it didn't.

But this time, for sure.  In the meantime, how are we feeling?  Hot, hot, hot ...

Yeah, I've posted this recently.  Dang, it's hot.


  1. In all fairness, Glen's bark is worse than his bite. That said, I would not just give him any silverware with a point out of hand...

    Hope the part comes soon. We have lived through this once or twice and man, it is a drag.

  2. Hot as you like and then some!

  3. Hope it is indeed fixed soon. I feel for you.
    God bless you all.

  4. I saw that little Elton John impersonation, TB.

    You're next.

    I shall dispense with all the punsters one by one, each murder more heinous and horrifying than the last - ending finally with a crescendo of violence and gore with our esteemed blog host. I will go down in history with Hannibal Lecter, and Jack The Ripper (not to be confused with our own flatulent Mad Jack).

    Your end will involve bag pipes, swords, vaseline, and sushi TB.

    Sleep well, friends.

  5. We're looking at 6-7 days of 100+... sigh


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