Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Free to a good home

The Story Of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant, 10,000 pages of Pulitzer Prize winning Western Civilization.  Old School Western Civ.  Amazon is selling sets from around $100 (used) to over $600 (!) (new - who knew you could still get new?).

Mine are used, and there are a few Borepatch annotations in the margins about things that could make good blog fodder but which I never got back to.  I read each of the first ten volumes and around a hundred pages of the last before I ran out of steam.  Maybe you'll have more stamina than I do.

But they're free - I picked them up for a buck a copy at a library used book sale.  If this is your Bag, Baby, then it's first come, first served.  You can either pick them up if you're in the Maryland area, or I can ship them but you'll need to pay shipping.  Probably it would be cheaper for you to buy a used set off of Amazon, since they get a lot better shipping rates than I do.

UPDATE: We have a winner. I'm glad to see there's still interest in Western Civ among our readers, although I'm not at all surprised.  You seem to be smarter than the average bear.


  1. I'd like them please, and I'm local.

  2. An excellent series. I'm reading through them now. Ought to be required in every American home.

  3. Gah, that's what I get for being late today... grumble... Off to amazon...

  4. Congratulations to the winner!


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