Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ah, holiday parties


  1. Us teenaged mutant killer turtles have a better way of handling those.

    Turtle power!!!

    Can I borrow your nanchucks, BP? I think ASM ran off with my katana...

  2. Once upon a time, my wife and I did the holiday party circuit. Now we just got to the one her boss throws at her home on New Year's Day which is a house party with lots of food, and the more formal one my former fire department throws a couple of weeks later. That one costs nothing but the cash bar and is a pretty good time. We always seem to cleanup on the door prizes for some reason.

  3. All of my strange aunts and uncles from my childhood have passed away. Oh my goodness! Maybe now I'm the strange uncle!

  4. The Catholic Church's Holy Days of Obligations have nothing on mandatory holiday parties.

    Fortunately, as support staff, I usually got to dash in, grab food, and go back to my desk and answer phones and avoid 'small talk' and 'mingling' and other bullscat stuff.

  5. "Us teenaged..." WOW! Yet another demonstration of your innate superiority.

    Paul L. Quandt


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