Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Remember how they used to say that George W. Bush was so incredibly stupid?

Yeah, well about that:

[blink] [blink]

I really don't know what to say, other than John Kenneth Galbraith and Daniel Patrick Moynajan are spinning in their graves.


  1. Is that real?

    I see so many things attributed to her that I think are below the IQ level of an amoeba that I've become super skeptical.

    I won't get into how an amoeba could say such things.

  2. The thing to remember is that she was elected. By the constituents of her district. Voters. Citizens, even.

  3. btw: "Moynihan".


    If that's legit, there are no words...

    That there's such a strong likelihood it is legit is indictment enough.

    But I give Evita Guevara-Castro mad props: just when think that there's a bottom limit to how dumb somebody could possibly be and still be able to suck oxygen successfully, she breaks the existing record, and usually by a hefty margin.

    So we know what her superpower is.

  4. No.Words. That is just beyond comprehension... Gah...

  5. The Stupid is strong in that one.....

  6. Is this really real? I've seen many blogs showing this, but every one was a screen shot instead of a link so you can see the actual Twitter post. Any real link would be appreciated.

    And it is still funny as heck and very believable.

  7. but she is passable pretty. tarus, you make a good point.

  8. It isn't a real tweet. But it's believable: she's said so many dumb things for real that it's becoming hard to tell the difference.

  9. C'mon, it makes perfect sense!

    Electric cars run on unicorn farts and rainbows. The hurricane is pumping LOTS of rain, which will make LOTS of rainbows, thus powering the cars. Try THAT with gasoline!

    (OK, my brain now hurts from trying to understand the thought process.)

  10. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ocasio-cortez-cars-hurricanes/

    As others have said, fake news.

  11. What?!? We're getting more stupider? Then there's AOC, whole new ballgame.


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