Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Rest in peace, LTC Dick Cole

Jimmy Doolittle's co-pilot on the Tokyo raid and last of the Doolittle Raiders reports to the Last Muster at 103.  Great obituary at the Air Force Times.
And in the nights of winter, when the cold north winds blow,
And the long howling of the wolves is heard amidst the snow;
When round the lonely cottage roars loud the tempest's din,
And the good logs of Algidus roar louder yet within;
When the oldest cask is opened, and the largest lamp is lit;
When the chestnuts glow in the embers, and the kid turns on the spit;
When young and old in circle around the firebrands close;
When the girls are weaving baskets and the lads are shaping bows
When the goodman mends his armour, and trims his helmet's plume,
And the goodwife's shuttle merrily goes flashing through the loom;
With weeping and with laughter still is the story told,
How well Horatius kept the bridge in the brave days of old.

Horatius at the Bridge - Thomas Babington Macaulay

1 comment:

  1. My spousal units family friend was Co-pilot on Bock's Car, Doolittle commandeered his seat for the flight to Nagasaki but he flew jump seat anyway. Brightest flash bulb he had ever seen. In the small world department, my Dad was stationed in Nagasaki for two years in the Army of Occupation. Got home in late 47'. We never ate rice when I was a kid.



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