Thursday, August 8, 2019

Quote of the Day: Red Flag edition

Yesterday I wrote about how Red Flag laws were likely to be abused by those with a political axe to grind.  That prediction didn't even last 24 hours before we see proof:
If you go into the comments on any one of these Tweets, you’ll see quite a number of people also stating that if they see anybody with a gun (open or concealed) they will red flag that person.
These people don’t want red flag laws to prevent mass shooters.  They just want to abuse them to harass law-abiding gun owners with the weight of the law.
Damn, that was fast.  It will be really interesting to see if the GOP sells out gun owners in such a massive way.  The Left will take this and run with it, and you can already see them putting on their running shoes.


  1. I believe that the only way the Dems can win in 2020, no matter the candidate they put up, is for the GOP to screw with gun laws and piss off the gun owners. Pass red flag laws, restrict magazine sizes or ammunition purchases, limit the types or number of guns one might be allowed to possesses, outright ban ownership of ANY type of weapon, and EVERYONE WILL LOSE!

  2. One can only hope that an anonymous "he scares me - take away his guns!" attempt by a stranger on the street will be treated *by a judge* the same way as a fake bomb threat - and for exactly the same reason.

    One can only hope...

  3. Hopefully any attack on the 2nd Amendment will simply push gun owners to vote out the offending Rino's.

    I could not in good conscience vote for a demonrat, no matter what.

  4. Think of the Red Flag laws as the next incarnation of abuse allegations. I've heard the vast majority of divorce cases involve a claim of abuse that's never verified. They're done strictly as a negotiating tactic.

    How Red Flag laws will work is that neighborhood squabbles about someone's dog crapping on someone else's lawn or someone's yard not meeting someone else's idea of attractive will turn into "he's a gun nut and he's not stable". "I see him going somewhere with his guns in cases all the time - he must be training for a shooting".

    It's "Swatting - the Next Generation"

  5. @SiG:

    During my divorce from "Satan's Favorite Daughter" she threatened to call the cops on me if I didn't accede to every wish of hers. As it was, she talked with all the neighbors and it took a couple of years to overcome the small-town grapevine.

    More broadly: The shrinks will, sooner or later, define anything remotely Right as indicative of a mental disorder. And *BOOM* there you go.


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