Friday, May 31, 2019

Why Government can't bring tomorrow in on time

It's a trueism that government provided services are always worse than privately provided ones because the government is, at it's heart, a jobs program.  The government agency is featherbedding rather than providing services.

This is true of the Military as well.  Since the Reagan years, the "Peace Dividend" has seen the cut of everything except general officers, to the point that the Navy now has more Admirals than it has ships (excluding the Littoral Combat Ship, which is a waste of space and budget and is a death trap for its crew).

The military has been seen as the most effective part of the Fed.Gov for quite some time.  If you think this, you really need to go read Aesop's rant.

1 comment:

  1. How about specifying your own private computer language? Not just one but one for the Navy and another for the Air Force? And another one for the British military. How about defining you own computer architecture just because you can (there are Air Force and Navy ones out there). They were obsolete before anyone actually managed to implement one. Imagine the costs involved in designing compilers for military mandated languages that no one wants to use. Then imagine the costs involved in building computers to implement the architectures that no one wants to use except someone in a military program office. Then spend a whole lot more money defining a programming language that all branches must use (Ada). Then decide that everything should be rewritten in C++ because "reasons".


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