Friday, May 31, 2019

Ten years ago on this blog

I may start this as a regular feature.  Or not.  Cathedra mea, regula meae.

From May 31, 2009:

Killing me softly

Telling my whole life with his words ...

Insty points in his usual brevity-is-the-soul-of-blogging way to a must read post from The Other McCain, which absolutely dissects how the Left thinks. I know, because I used to be a leftie apparatchik, and all I can say is that every word is Absolutely. Spot. On.

This vision is what the conservative rejects, and what makes the conservative convert such an effective leader is that he knows full well what he has rejected -- and he knows it personally, first-hand, subjectively. He knows the flattering deceit of believing himself more enlightened, more tolerant, more sophisticated than his fellow man, merely because he identifies as a Democrat, a liberal, a progressive.
And it doesn't happen by accident, either. Although I'm not a conservative, I went through exactlythis in my journey away from the left:
The point is, if you feel like you've been suckered -- hustled, flim-flammed, bamboozled, sold out, ripped off -- and you have both pride and curiosity, you will begin to wonder whether it was all just a scam from Day One.
The only thing I would add is an explicit reference to the Mastodon Main Stream Media. I'd vote for "scam from Day One".

What the heck are you waiting for? Go. Read. It. Now.

1 comment:

  1. A reference to Fediverse? Nice. Still, here's why people talking about "Mastodon" goes wrong with me:


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