Tuesday, August 7, 2018

You may not be interested in birthdays

But birthdays are interested in you.  Well, me at least.

Bah.  As Doc Holiday once said, I'm in my prime.

The post title, of course paraphrases Leon Trotsky's rather blood-soaked saying that while you might not be interested in war, war is interested in you.  I wonder what old Leon thought of birthdays?  I'm sort of okay with someone redistributing mine to someone who needs them more ...


  1. Happy Birthday, Mr. Borepatch! And many more.

  2. Happy birthday.

    "Keep your powder dry" - Julius Caesar

  3. Happy Birthday, Borepatch!

    I just always figure having a birthday beats the only known alternative.

  4. Did you have to file an environmental impact report with the air quality board or just check to see if it was a local burn day before you lit off the candles?

    And many more!

    Thanks for being.
    You improve our world.

  5. Yeah! What he said, BP!

    Errrr... and keep yer birthdays to yerself... I think this getting old stuff is for the birds! :)

  6. Thank you everyone!

    And weapnedmann, you're making me blush!

  7. Happy birthday young feller!
    How was the Buffett concert?

  8. Happy birthday blogbrother. !!

  9. Happy Birthday!

    August 7 is also my birthday


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