Monday, August 6, 2018

Money does grow on trees after all

At least for this dog:
It all started when Negro discovered the school’s store on campus. Students will go there during their breaks and purchase things. 
This included cookies that they would feed to Negro. 
But the students weren’t the only ones learning things on the school grounds. Negro discovered what commerce is in that store. He figured out by watching the students that if you give something, you get something in return.
The dog put two and two together, and started showing up at the store with a leaf.  To buy his own cookies.

If you look closely you'll see his paw on a leaf that he'd just brought.
“He comes for cookies every day,” store attendant Gladys Barreto told The Dodo. “He always pays with a leaf. It is his daily purchase.”
They only let him get two cookies a day, to keep him from getting fat.  I love everything about this story.


  1. This is the best story of the day, Borepatch.

    Dog sees the kids trade a flat piece of paper for a cookie and comes up with his own flat thing to trade.

  2. Too bad news stations won't report this kind of story.

  3. Fiat currency by any other name...

  4. “Honey, the new neighbors seem to get upset whenever I call the dog to come in from outside. “

    “I don’t think they speak Spanish,dear. “

  5. At least we know that someone at that school learned something.


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