Friday, September 18, 2015

Where ASM826 gets his firewood

Long time readers will recall co-blogger posting about his wood stove that keeps his house warm in the winter.  But heating with wood is not for the faint of heart - it's a lot more expensive than you think.


  1. That is about how I feel about the little shrinkwrapped bundles of wood they sell in the grocery store.

  2. Reminds me of the wood a friend gets for his smoker. Each piece is a perfect rectangular block of wood, each saw cut at a perfect 90 degrees. The blocks I played with as a kid weren't so nicely formed. He has it shipped in from someplace in he mid-west.
    I guess when you have more money than Croesus you can afford to look down on free tree trimmings.

  3. My God that's STOOOPID!

    Nice gig for the guy that sells it, but "old world craftsmanship" in freaking firewood?

    The stupid is strong with this one......

  4. (we all understand that this is a "spoof" video, right?)
    I laughed and laughed.... this video was awesome. And I found it online in several places and the comments from folks who don't understand that it is a spoof are truly hysterical.

  5. wish there was a link so I could order some

  6. Only thing that would have made it better is Jesse arguing that the government should step in to fix prices on "artisanal" firewood, the way some artisanal olive oil whiners tried to do in California a couple of years ago.

    "I see these so-called 'artisanal' firewood products on sale at Target for $15/bundle, and I know there's no way it's anything but mass-produced tree-farm hem-fir." :-)

  7. Bruce,

    I will sell you hand selected, sun dried, ginger rubbed, artisanal firewood. I am prepared to offer you a 20% discount on the prices you saw in the video.

    I have been working with firewood since 1968 and have heated my home with wood for almost 30 years.

    If I could sell all the beautiful hand selected oak I have for this winter at $960.00 a piece, I could retire.

  8. Boy, there is a sucker born every minute! It's firewood - it burns and turns into ashes for Pete's sake....


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