Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wanted: Groundskeeper for football stadium

Old groundskeeper couldn't tell the difference between fertilizer and weed killer.


  1. When one sees something such as that, the immediate question that comes to mind is:

    "AA hire, perchance?"

  2. That is indeed possible, ASM829. Someone MIGHT have gotten a load of weed killer, removed its packaging, and placed it in the groundskeeper's fertilizer bin without him knowing. That's not necessarily how the smart money bets these days, however...

  3. Yeah, well, it helps if you put your glasses on before grabbing the containers. Grabbed a jug of what I thought was an insecticide with sprayer handpiece to kill the ants covering the garbage bin. Turned out to be weedkiller.

    It did kill all the ants!


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