Saturday, December 20, 2014


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  1. I cannot wonder what is happening behind the scenes while Soros controls Brazlian oil, Buffett (not Jimmy) owns the railroads hauling oil in North Dakota, Putin relies on oil for half of his economy, Iran is selling oil for gold, and China is no longer using US Dollars to buy oil, internationally, the Saudis (when they are not holding executions on Friday) are doing a Rockafeller and dropping the price of oil to make fracking unprofitable.
    When Armeggedon is announced the stock mart explodes to record highs.
    Gold goes down.
    I am confused.
    Is Wall Street following Rothchild's advice about "blood in the streets?"
    Is this just market economics or the Joo Lizards and the Illuminati making their move for more power?
    I guess the non-architect of Obamacare was right: I an too stupid to understand.

  2. The sight of lower gas prices is so joyus for now here in Cali, but the Dems here have a suprise for us on Jan 1, We will get to add a 25 cent tax to each gallon to pay for global warming.

  3. This IS upsetting the applecart... Just waiting for the fallout to hit...

  4. When I was stationed at Sheppard AFB I lived in Burkburnett and I had a oil pump between my home and the one behind me. I don't remember the price break but the oil company tech would come out and slow down or speed up the pump every so often. The last 3 or 4 months that I lived there gas was cheap and the pump had been turned off.

  5. And how sad that is considered so...


  6. it's nice in the short term, but sucks for those of us in the O&G industry. Business is already falling off.


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