Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dispatches from Borepatch World Domination HQ

ASM826 put me up for the evening, but plans for World
domination were a continual topic (as you can imagine).

Walmart for ammo? Check. (Note: bringing ammo to A826's Secure Offsite Facility is like bringing coals to Newcastle. But ammo makes a great stocking stuffer).

Good bourbon? Check, and check again just to make sure.

More nutmeg than cinnamon in the French Toast? Check.

Plans for a Garand Match in the spring? Check, although I may need to shoot left handed because of my shoulder. It may be a Walk On The Wild Side. The sacrifices we make for World Domination. ...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. One should always be able to handle a firearm with one's non-dominant hand/arm. At least, that's what I was taught - and trained to do - in the Navy (Repel Boarders Teams).

  2. What Burt said. And let us know how the shooting goes.

  3. So, "Plans for a Garand match" include getting one? Or have you obtained one and I missed it?

  4. Shooting the match will make him eligible to get one.

  5. The theme song for "Pinky and the Brain" keeps popping up in my head when I open your Blog age. I just thought I would pass that along.

    I have an old shoulder and elbow injury that has been acting up so I have been shooting left handed for about 2 years with everything I take to the range with the exception of the SKS Bullpup (I don't like hot brass in the face). I learned to shoot the M9 with both hands when I was in the military and I was expert right handed and qualified left handed. I am not where I want to be but I am getting closer with every trip I make to the range.

  6. Is this going to be a "hide the women and chain up the dogs" foray resulting in the copious application of Lawyers, Guns, and Money or is this a "burn the ships, conquistador, full-pirate, short-faced cave bear" thing?"
    Tell me you did not bring your kilt.

  7. Oh, hat tip to Tam on the Pirates and Short-Faced Cave Bear.
    The gene pool definitely needs improved.


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