Monday, December 30, 2013

Robert Bork and F. A. Hayek on so-called "Intellectuals"


  1. He's talking himself in circles. He echos the same BS again and again. "If they don't like my rules, it's because they're stupid not because my rules make no sense."

  2. I don't believe the 'intellectual class' exists any more. High literacy rates, combined with the internet - makes the average north American easily as well informed as any self proclaimed intellectual or academic.

    The days of these elite poseurs lording it over an ignorant, illiterate peasantry are over.

  3. Glen
    I think the availability of the information being there makes the intellectual class obsolete, except for this in my opinion: Most people won't bother to do the work. The intellectuals still control the main stream media where most north Americans get their in


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