Sunday, August 18, 2013

404: Post not found

The post that you are looking for cannot be found.  It's probably because Borepatch was a lazy bum and didn't schedule it last night.  Oh, and then overslept and hasn't had coffee.

But he'll probably blame it on the Internet or something.


  1. Love the attitude, amigo. Just because some of us-in-the-'Net EXPECT your free ice-cream, does not (despite the Democrat regime-in-power) imply an obligation to provide it. We have a tough 20-50 years ahead of us and no pundit will be totally correct (including me).
    I'm too old to survive what I see coming but I have faith in the generation we leave behind. (Our job as parents was to launch them into useful and fulfilling roles in society. So far it appears I have done well.)
    Plan and do your best is all anyone can do.
    Vaya con dios, amigos.

  2. I'm replacing "the dog ate it" with

    "unintended drone strike".

  3. Error 451
    This request may not be serviced in the Roman Province of Judea due to Lex3515, the Legem Ne Subversionem Act of AUC755, which disallows access to resources hosted on servers deemed to be operated by the Judean Liberation Front.


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