Friday, July 5, 2013


I just got my Motorcycle permit.  I guess that makes me an official member of the bald-headed-gunblogging-biker club. Someone let me know if there's a secret handshake or something.

Took 2 hours (!) at the DMV (or as they pronounce it here in Georgia, "DDS").  I guess this is what days off are for.  Now off to buy a helmet.  And look at bikes.  Go, me!

UPDATE 5 July 19:10: Success!

It's a full-face model (obviously), even though y'all who have met me can testify that mine is a face made for radio.  Still, it's my face, and I don't have another.  Plus I fully expect to ride enough to be in the rain, and this will be better than raindrops hitting at 60 MPH.  Like they say, you can find out what that feels like by going out in a Category 1 hurricane.  No thanks.

And it had a cool feature.  Not only does the face shield go up, the whole front of the helmet goes up.

And I signed up for the safety class which starts next Thursday and goes through the test on Sunday.  If I pass, I get full Georgia class M endorsement for my driver's license (plus a cut on the insurance).  Onwards!


  1. You da man!!!

    You better be on two wheels by the time I get back to the 'States, dude.


  2. Congratulations! Looks like we might have to plan some sort of ride/rendezvous...

  3. Go! Have a great time shopping!

  4. Yes, there's a "secret handshake".

    You've probably seen it in the past, but didn't realize it. Bikers waving at each other when they approach from opposite directions.

    I use a peace sign (2 fingers) horizontal (pointing away from the bike). There's no protocol per se, but return what the other biker shows. If the other shows an open hand, respond with an open hand. If a peace sign, respond with a peace sign.

    Happy riding!

  5. Big Guy, it's just been the cheap stuff so far - a bike will be the proof point. But yeah, it'd be cool to meet up.

    Pat, it'd be cool to have a gun blog rally.

    Burt, as you well know, this has been a long time coming. Not done, but I appreciate the advice you've given me over the years.

  6. God help us all - aarrggh Rabit's Reserve is rendering me WIBBLE..I'l try to be at the pub on Sunday...Differ

  7. God help us all - aarrggh Rabit's Reserve is rendering me WIBBLE..I'l try to be at the pub on Sunday...Differ

  8. Okay, you had to go and do it. Now I'm going to have to, too. Darn! :)

  9. Differ, it's be fun to meet up.

    Rev Paul, no need to thank me. It's all part of being a Full Service blog. ;-)

  10. Hey! I'm not totally bald. And I guess I'm not a gunblogger. But I am a biker! Sometimes. When the weather's nice.

    (Sigh) Okay, I admit it, I'm a poser.

    Anyway, good on ya! That's the same helmet I have, except mine's silver. I like the flip-front helmets like that when I'm going to Canada. I figure it's easier for the border guards to compare my passport photo to my face when my face doesn't look like an aquarium.

    And raindrops at 60 MPH definitely sting. So do yellow jackets.

    Welcome to the club. Once you get your Class M and a bike to use it on, maybe give the Patriot Guard Riders a look. Their mission is pretty simple - to show respect and gratitude to Armed Service members who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

  11. Go forth and do good (and have fun)!!!

  12. SO. TOTALLY. IN.

    Of course, I ride a Harley, so it will have to be somewhere in pushing distance... ;)

  13. On my desk I keep the policy discount check for one dollar that I received from Flo's company after taking the motorcycle course.
    Now, the course was / is a good thing to take.

  14. One of my gnarliest rides was a hailstorm I rode through in AZ. Not really really big, but somewhere smaller than double ought buck. In a t-shirt (My Lovely Wife had my leather on, it was 85-110 degrees at different points on the ride). Full face = good call. And a strong second on the waving thing- doesn't have to be much, just drop your clutch hand a couple inches. One of the best parts of riding is at camaraderie. I remember, as a 17 yo kid, I wound up at the same gas station as about 8 Hells Angels on their way to a rally, on a Honda. I was nervous as hell, bu they were pretty cool. Anything on two wheels is better than driving a car, that was their theory. Welcome in!

  15. As with Dave H, I have that exact same helmet. I quite like it.

    Allow me to strongly recommend the Scala Rider intercom/helmet bluetooth system. Yes, it's cut for an intercom already, but the Scala is by far the best intercom I've ever used; and is also an excellent bluetooth interface.

    I do rarely take a call in the helmet, but mostly I use it for music and audio books on longer rides. Also, your GPS (if you use one other than your phone) can send its voice navigation to it.

  16. Mostly Bald, Occasional gun blogger, took my bike on a 32 State trip - would have been a bit longer but I had to bail out from Williamsburg VA to avoid a Nor'Easter and a Hurricane, so I missed out on the southern states, SC,GA,FL,Al,MI,Louisiana. It's a long haul from the Pacific to the Atlantic an back. Not sure I'd do it again. Definitely worth doing at least once though.


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