Sunday, September 9, 2012

I went to Dad's place today

He has a spectacular view.

All the Veteran's Cemeteries look a lot the same, except for the background. Here, it's the mountains of Santa Fe. Sure is a nice place.

And the La Fonda hotel had a rooftop bar overlooking the Cathedral.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. My hat is off to your Father and my prayers are with you.

    Thanks for the chat the other morning. Be safe and give my best to Mrs. B.

  2. May he rest in the honorable peace he has earned.

  3. I must have something in my eye.....

  4. I read what you said about your estrangement from your folks for a period of time, and felt the stab of pain at the lost years.

    I only left the fold of my parents love for a few weeks. The reasons now, lost in time, but it was prideful foolishness on my part. It hurt them so much, how could I have been so cruel to those good people? I stole their beloved child. Me.

    When I returned to them, their arms were open to me, as they always were and always would be.

    Just another lesson taught to me by the greatest teachers I ever knew...

    "Value those you love and those who love you, you never know how much time you will have". Or in the words of James Taylor: "Shower the people you love with love".

    Sounds like your parents were good teachers too, Borepatch. Pass it on...

    Cap'n Jan

  5. My Father rests in the same cemetery, over looking the Sangre De Christio mountains to the east. We carried him there about 18 months ago, the Air Force put on a pretty good show. It is a pretty site.

    I was born not too far from there, on the north bound shoulder of Rte. 84 on the way to Espanola. My parents were trying to get back to the Jicarilla reservation where my Mothers family is from. They were 80 miles short.

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  6. Thank you, everyone. And JimmyT, all I can say is that it's a small world.

  7. I wish I had known you were out this way, BP. I would have shown you some hospitality, New Mexico style.

    My dad will be joining yours up there one day. He's already got it all set up so that us kids don't have to worry about it.

  8. Instinct, thanks. I'll be back and it would be great to meet up.


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