Friday, May 11, 2012

A report from darkest Africa England

Tacitus is there on an archaeological dig, excavating Hadrian's Wall (lucky bum).  It being England, it rains, and so the digging is postponed for a day.  He goes into town and finds Marshmallow Fluff (!!!).

In England.

All y'all from New England, do leave him your favorite Fluffernutter recipe in the comments.


  1. Start with white bread. WonderBread is ideal, but you must have the lowest-nutritional-value no-flavorest most-chemically white bread possible.

    Lay them out side by side.
    On the left-hand slice, spread your fluff.
    Slice a banana and place across the fluff.
    On the middle slice, spread peanut butter (SMOOTH, YOU HEATHEN) and place atop the bananas and fluff.
    On the now-bare-and-exposed side of the middle slice, spread more peanut butter.
    Sprinkle with chocolate chips and/or chocolate syrup.
    On the right slice, spread more fluff. Place atop the others.

    Best enjoyed with a very large glass of very very cold milk, and a shot of insulin.

  2. Yech... That doesn't even SOUND good...

  3. Thanks all.

    As one who tries to eat at least a little healthy food this was like stumbling upon a crack house.

    How long until this sort of crap is outlawed domestically and only available overseas?

    dried off finally.

  4. heh, we usually left out the banana's, but yup, thats the recipe I remember!


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