Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Suppose you're a Progressive (no, not you - this is a thought experiment), filled with self-importance and smug assurance that you're nicer than everyone and that your Progressive Approved Policies® are all to help poor people, Mother Gaia, and baby forest animals.  You'd be horrified at the sight of Government Agents forcing poor people from their homes at gun point:
On Oct. 17, 2007, Marcelle opened the door to a loud knock. Her heart jumped when she found a man backed by two armed county agents in bulletproof vests. She was alone in the cabin, a dot in the vast open space of the Antelope Valley, without a neighbor for more than half a mile. She feared that something had happened to her daughter, who was visiting from Montreal.

The men demanded her driver's license, telling her, "This building is not permitted — everything must go." Normally sassy, Marcelle handed over her ID — even her green card, just in case. Stepping out, she realized that her 1,000-square-foot cabin was surrounded by men with drawn guns. "You have no right to be here," one informed her. Baffled and shaking with fear, she called her daughter — please come right away.
Jackbooted thugs!  Why, it's an outrage!  Quick, make up the posters, fire up Twitter - oh, what was all this about, anyway?  Seems that First Solar, Inc. is planning a massive solar generating facility, and the riff-raff have to go:
It’s hard to say what a bad week might feel like for an $11 billion corporation named by Forbes Magazine as the fastest growing technology company in America two years in a row, but First Solar Inc.’s unpleasant encounter with the Fairmont Town Council in Western Antelope Valley this week caught the eye of some Wall Street investors. The company, known as FSLR on the NASDAQ, is seeking to place a 2,100 acre, 230 megawatt system, the largest in California, in the Fairmont area.


In strong words, the letter said that architects of the project are obliged to make a "collaborative effort" with community members, but that they had not. The council's letter calls AV Solar Ranch One "a bullying, unwanted neighbor whose pursuit of profits apparently has blinded it to any concepts of area cooperation," then asks for an immediate review of the project "prior to commencement of construction."
That sound you just heard is the sound of leftie's heads getting all 'splody.

But wait, we're not done!  That's not even the punchline.  All that "clean" energy?  Oops:
The Chinese authorities have suspended production at a solar panel factory after protests by residents who blame the plant for fouling the air and water, a government Web site said Monday.
It's a trifecta!  Poor people thrown from their houses at gunpoint by Government agents working at the behest of corrupt politicians who are in the pocket of rapacious profit-mad corporations that are befouling the air and water with their careless pollution.

And it's all being done for the tree hugging Progressives.

Man, some days it just seems like it can't get any better.  Enjoy a nice hot mug of schadenfreude, hippies!


  1. "See, we've been seeing those icebergs for two days! I knew we'd hit one, but did anyone listen?"

    Being right does not always help because you're in the same boat. They won't have any problem surrounding your house, either.

  2. Just think how Earth-rapey it must be for the CHINESE to complain.

  3. This happened to a guy in Mississippi he was the last holdout of a subdivision demolished because it was under the flight path of Memphis Intl airport. He refused to move and said he didn't mind the noise from the planes. Well the local city council had other ideas and they sent in the Sheriffs at gun point, all because he was spoiling their plans for a nice new golf course for themselves.
    It can happen to you and at any time, they rezone your house and you are gone.


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