Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A modest suggestion on Lawfare

So a Federal Court says that a $300+ fee to keep and bear arms is reasonable.  Okie dokie.

So here's what I wonder.  Rather than funding a conservative Think Tank, why don't some rich old geezers fund a bunch of lawsuits, using this sort of precedent?  Say, requiring people to pay $300 every 4 years "for a background check to ensure that voter fraud is not being done"?  And their first born for Sunday Roast, too*.

The first suit will result in screams of "racist", but the real fun would happen when the fourth or fifth suit - and the second appeal - get run up the legal flagpole.  Then leftie's heads will simply start going all 'splody.

It's Alinsky's Rules, right?  Hold your opponent to his own standards.  In a very real and Legally Binding sense.  I'm guessing that $10M would be enough to change the course of history ...

Via Uncle.

* Aretae informs me that I can't use the term "A Modest Proposal" in a post title if it doesn't involve devouring poor children.  Happy to oblige.


  1. Alan Gura will never want for work.

  2. Like I commented on your other post--the moment you think the government has the *right* to control any aspect of your right to keep and bear arms, you've lost--regardless of it being a national right-to-carry bill or the ability to require permits (permission).

    Did you have to get a permit or take a class in order to post this post Borepatch? Why not? Because you have the right to speak freely. And while everyone probably thinks it would be absurd to ask the government for permission to speak freely, most people--conservatives included don't think twice about getting a permit for concealed carry.

    The government doesn't grant me my rights or give me permission to exercise them--be it my freedom to speak on any subject I wish, my freedom to worship whom I wish, my freedom of movement / freedom to travel, my freedom to own things (property)--including guns, or the freedom of (right to) my life. Period.

    Those rights can NOT be violated without due process of law--which is not a chat with a traffic cop on the side of the road--it's a court room filled with a jury of my peers who are there to protect me from the abuses of government or to jail me for the violation of the rights of others.



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