Monday, October 10, 2011

Now don't worry your pretty little head

It seems that a Colorado lady named Ann Barnhardt got under the skin of some fellow in the UK.  It seems that the fellow sent her an email saying he would show up and kill her.

Now I don't know who this Ann Barnhardt person is, or why that UK fellow is so mad at her.  But her reply to him is the best thing you will read all week.  She offers him suggestions for the best flights from Heathrow to Denver, and gives him detailed directions to her house.  She also offers a suggestion for what the well dressed scumbag is wearing this season:
Just do me one favor. PLEASE wear body armor. I have some new ammunition that I want to try out, and frankly, close-quarter body shots without armor would feel almost unsporting from my perspective.
Nice photo of her with a pink Hello Kitty AR.  And pink pumps.  Yikes - she's quite a looker.



  1. Indeed! Glad you are home! Have no fear however, I think Mrs. Borepatch can handle whatever comes her way in your absence!

  2. Keads, sadly I'm not home yet. Be a bit, yet. :-(

  3. Glad you're home too.

    And, yeah, that original post is so full of win that it hurts...

  4. I think the solution is for you to start digging a new hole. I know it hasn't been that long since you dug that last one, but just hear me out.
    A hole shaped like a Coy pond, with nice ferns and rocks around the perimeter.
    Might throw in a waterfall as a nice homey touch.
    In Austin.
    I'd be more than willing to nominate you for Republic of Texas citizenship, Belle would second. I'm pretty sure I could lobby YeOldFurt to preside over the proceedings, and fire off "Bob" when the deed was done.

  5. That's almost enough to make me want to drive over the mountain to buy her a drink!

  6. don't know who she is, but i like her already!

  7. She's an anti-Islam crusader.

    Yes I used the word crusader.

    Here's an interview with some embedded video.

  8. Your wife obviously has exquisite taste in accessories. I love the boots, too. Well done she, and well done, you!

  9. I'll pass on the pink gun, but I wouldn't mind those heels


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