Sunday, August 22, 2010

R.I.P. Vicki Weaver

Shot down by FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi on this day 18 years ago. Remember her, and him.

To their shame, H-S Precision signed Horiuchi as a spokesman a couple years ago. Remember them, too.


  1. unfingbelievable.
    Dude murders a lady and baby.

    Gets away with it.

    Should be in prison at least!1

  2. MaddMedic, the baby wasn't shot (although she was holding it when she was). The child is 18 now.

    That doesn't change anything, though. He did get away with it.

  3. If a cop had done that, the FBI wold have investigated him and dragged him into Federal Court.

  4. Oops...Old age, forgetfulness, brain dead due to teenagers,...Thanks...

  5. If a cop had done that, the FBI wold have investigated him and dragged him into Federal Court.

    The way things are these days, it's more likely the cop - any cop - would get a medal instead.


  6. Isn't it amazing what an accusation about $10 of outstanding tax for a piece of wood being 3/8" short, and shouting a few slanders like "racist" will enable "authorities" to get away with?


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