Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hacking secrets

I don't usually post stuff like this (while you would only use your Powers for good, some people might be tempted by the Dark Side). But this is so good that I'm putting it up anyway.

Annoying ad warning.

Remember, don't abuse this sort of knowlege. Srlsy.


  1. Damn, I should never have thrown-out the old VCR!

  2. Uh... I ate the marshmallows while I was opening the VCR. Because I didn't have 'em ready, that stupid monster ran out of the room, started ****ing the cat, and - when I chased after it - opened the refrigerator door and poured all of the milk and OJ all over the floor.

    I got my XD-9 and started shooting at it, but it kept dodging and weaving -- and now there's holes in the floor, walls, windows, and the stuffing in my sofa is all over the room. I finally trapped it in one corner of the living room, but the shot went thru it's little body, thru the floor, into the basement, and through the hot water heater.

    At least 4 patrol cars just pulled up outside the house. The cops want me to come out the front door with my hands raised over my head.

    There's green icky guts all over the place.

    Why'd you post this video, BP?

    Thanks for NOTHING, man!!!

  3. One more thing: my VCR didn't have any iPods in it. All it had was some old Creative Labs media players, a busted Sony Walkman, and an old army compass.

    What a RIP-OFF!!!

  4. Burt,

    I had much the same problem as I am a slut for marshmallows, however, I grabbed a can of wasp spray and a lighter and about the time that little monster went for the cat I caught him with a full spray. I lit him up with the zippo and except for a scorched spot on the living room rug, we're back to normal. Well, the cat's still hiding, but the rest of us are back to normal.

  5. Yeah, right. I call shenanigans! All I found when I did this was a .223 AR, and 500 rounds of ammo.

    You shouldn't post stuff like this and pretend it's real.

  6. Damn! All I got was an old grilled cheese.



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