Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blowing smoke rings

This is pretty cool, even if it's pretty close to a lot of trees.

I'd want to try this at the New England blogshoot, but there are so many trees at the sooper sekret range that we'd burn down half the state ...


  1. I'll see your wood dust explosion, and raise you a coffee creamer.

  2. Heh.
    Yeah, & my FD is "on call", so they'd just bring marshmallows to the blaze.

    A long time ago, in the pre-lawyer days, our chemistry teacher did a similar thing in the classroom(!) w/a paint can, sparking device, & some flour. Bounced the lid off the ceiling, & other teachers came a runnin' to see what blew up.

    That was back in the day when we learnt stuff...

  3. When I first saw the title — sawdust cannon — I was expecting them to use a grain silo-style explosion to propel a cannon ball.

    As much as I enjoyed the giant fireball, I have to recommend against igniting pillars of flame in a wooded glen.

  4. One would have to be seriously stupid to play with explosives that near trees.


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