Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ubuntu or Kububtu?

I'm replacing my old Linux box with a new one which not only is a screamer, but was $300 on Amazon. More on my trials and tribulations there in a later post.

I loaded Kubuntu Linux on it, which is Ubuntu with the KDE desktop. I've used KDE for a long time, up until I switched to Ubuntu a couple years ago. It has more eye candy than the Gnome-based Ubuntu, and is more like Windows - not that that s a big deal.

What's weird is that I'm considering switching back to regular Ubuntu. I don't need a Windows work alike, and Gnome has a clean interface with less clutter. I'd forgotten just how many widgets a Windows style interface has.

That said, the Konquorer browser has come a long, long way since version 1.0. It's very fast, stable, and with less than 1% market share is the last platform the Bad Guys will target exploits for. Not a bad thing, that.

More later, but let me just say that going from 1 GB of RAM on a 32 bit CPU to 3 GB of RAM on a 64 bit dual-core is a bit eye opening. I'm not sure that this system is so fast that it will answer my question before I ask it, but I'm not sure it won't, either. Not bad for $300.

1 comment:

  1. You can have both and choose at the log-in prompt. I had it working a few versions ago, but didn't like KDE. If you have both installed you can run Konqueror under Ubuntu if you're so inclined.



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